NFTs —Ways For Utility Beyond Their Original PROJECT


NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) is a technology that provides their holders the value of unique property.
It’s about showing ownership and proving that you really have something, whether it's digital or real. Usually, people associate NFTs with digital art, collectibles, or game items. But I guess there's so much more potential for NFTs as it has improved and gained high recognition recently.



What are the ways NFTs could be given utility beyond their original project

Granting Holders Access

One way to give NFTs utility is by granting holders access to exclusive groups, spaces, or content. Imagine owning an NFT that gets you into private chat rooms or gives you VIP access to concerts and events, that will be extremely amazing.

Holders Access To Decision Making

Another idea is to let NFT holders have a say in decision-making.
When someone own an NFT, the person should also have a say in how things unfold. Both the owners and the holders could help shape the project by voting on what happens next, suggesting new features, or supporting community ideas. They could vote on things like creating new NFTs, prioritizing roadmap items, or even how project revenue is spent.

It's all about sharing influence and making NFTs more than just cool collectibles – holders should become part of the journey of making the projects they belong to even better and bigger.


Partnership With Outside Brands

NFTs could also provide rewards and discounts through partnerships with outside brands. For example, an NFT tied to a clothing line could give you a sweet discount on purchases, or an NFT for a music festival could come with free merch. It's like getting extra perks for being an NFT holder.

As metaverse and virtual reality spaces continue to grow, NFTs could offer access or customization in those virtual worlds. Imagine having an NFT avatar that takes on unique forms in different metaverses or an NFT "key" that unlocks special zones and content. The possibilities are endless.

Ultimately, the goal is to make NFT holders feel like part of an exclusive club and provide added value through partnerships and connections.


When different projects collaborate and share their NFTs, it becomes a win-win situation. People can get their hands on cool stuff that works across various platforms and experiences.

NFTs are not just about collecting art stuffs anymore. They're about creating connections, unlocking new possibilities, and being part of something bigger.
The future looks bright for NFTs, and I can't wait to see what amazing things they'll bring next.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
