I Was in a Bank...

After my visit to the bank, I told my wife that I will write a blog about it, and she said... "Please don't do it... What value will that bring to others?"...

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As I'm a stubborn guy, that was a clear signal to DO IT! 😂 Joking aside, it's not because of that, but more because of some other things... Is there value in a rant? Can that help anyone? I think that it can help... It helps us to realize that we are not alone, that someone else has similar problems as us... and all that, in some way, helps us to move forward... as we are not alone... It's how it works for me... Not sure about you...

So, I went to a bank... Not because I wanted to go, but because they asked me to come to "renew my data", as my old passport has expired... I picked up my passport, my ID, and a lot of patience and went there...

The image when I came there was... There were 2 employees, both were working on something (or pretending to work, still not sure about that), one older woman was waiting to be attended to, and me... After a couple of minutes, a third person came in, and asked one of the employees something in Norwegian or Dutch, and even got an answer... After some time, that person got what it came for and left... I and the old lady were still there.... waiting...

After another 5-10 minutes the employee that we were waiting for pick up her stuff, went to the other one, asked for a "favor" to attend us, the old lady and me, and went out home! It was 11 AM, and the bank is working until 14:30... But it is Friday, you know... Early weekend, family is waiting, etc...

Anyways, long story short... After 10-15 minutes of arguing with the old lady that was in front of me, it was my turn... I got out my passport and ID and hand over to the woman at the counter... After a third (or fourth) big red sign on the computer, the lady asked me for my ID number as they couldn't read it from my document (bloody computers 😃)... She got in...

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Next step... Scan my passport... We are in the 21st century and almost every printer has a scanner, but you know that banks are special... So, my 16-page passport finished in the old FAX MACHINE in an attempt to be used as a scanner... As that didn't go through, the only possible solution was that she asked me to come on Monday... WHAT?!?! I didn't want to come today either, but YOU called me to come and you don't have the 2nd most used tool in the bank?!

Ok... deep breath... patience... I have offered my help (to avoid further meetings in the future) to scan the document myself, or simply make a photo with a mobile phone... After a couple of seconds, that was accepted, but still not sure that it will work out...

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In conclusion... We are living in the 21st century... Everything is digital... Some people have no "real life" at all but live their digital life only... We have digital certificates, thumb readers on mobile phones, 2FA checks, SMS confirmations, face recognition software, etc... But, I still have to go to the bank, and lose my precious time just to hand over the photocopy of my passport?!? WTF are we talking about... Does the Matrix have another level of Matrix inside???

Even if we put all this aside, the thing that annoys me the most is the arrogance of the people working in those positions... I don't know how it is in your place, but banks, post-office, town halls, and any other government offices are full of people who think that they are OVER you (when it's vice-versa... we are paying them through taxes)... More important than you... And you should ALWAYS have time to stand in a line, wait your turn, and waste your time...

I suppose that all that is just a part of the system to make you obey their rules and to "know your place"...

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Well, if you have doubts about crypto and blockchain, try to remind yourself how it was the last time you had to do some paperwork from your local (government) office... How were you treated? I don't want to be part of that system... I don't want to evolve, or better said degrade, to that level... That's why I'm in crypto and that's why I will always search for an alternative way to do things! A better way...

I don't know if this post has some value, but if you have experienced something similar, you are not alone... You are not crazy... They are doing things wrong, not you... I know that maybe they are the majority, but that doesn't mean that you are wrong... We will prevail...

Thank you for your time,


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I don't know, man, you're showing a LOT more restraint than I would have. lol I get that getting upset doesn't really do anyone any good or help the situation, but Come ON! If you're going to leech off the system at least do your job. lol You're getting me all fired up and I wasn't even there. 🤣

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


hahahaha... I have a feeling that you had some similar events in your history and you know how it feels... 😃



I refuse to answer that under the 5th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.


Hahaha yep… paperwork in Spain, I so know hahaha 🤣
You need half a day to do stuff or sometimes more days.


You know how it is in other parts of the world... Is it the same, or Spain is an exception? 😃



I truly think Spain is an exception hahaha it is soooo different 🤣
There are more difficult countries to do paperwork. But some things could be so simple/ easy… but Spain keeps it hard and the most difficult of all.



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I don't think these people are even aware that a divergence is coming that will make 50% of people and their jobs obsolete ... and in a very short time ...


I think that the previous financial crisis showed how incompetent are banks in general... Crypto and blockchain tech are (will) just confirming that!



you moved from Serbia to a slightly warmer Serbia 😂


Tell me all about it haha I hate banks and despise them. I still don't know why people don't realize how convenient crypto can be compared to tradfi. You have to queue, more paperwork and worse, here they also charge you to get your data printed just because some govt needs it. I needed those bank statements and they fkn charge me. There's a value in this post, we get to share all things we hate about those annoying bank experience haha


Hahahahaha... It's nice to see that I'm not alone... 😃 I had no doubts that we are sharing the same "passion" about banks... I suppose that's one of the main reasons why are we here... 😃



I don't think I have had a bank situation like yours. At least, there was always someone who understands technology and the equipment was in order. However, I am in the US and I have an account with one of the bigger banks so it would look bad if they couldn't do it. In this digital age, I think it would be better if they just let you do it all digitally and verify with a staff later manually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am in the US and I have an account with one of the bigger banks so it would look bad if they couldn't do it.

Oh, don't be fooled about that... Look back into the past and you will see many big companies that did (and still doing) very shady things... Maybe not that obvious, but definitely behind the back of clients...

Just one example with Vodafone, one of the most popular mobile phone providers in the world... You wouldn't expect a company like that to be one of the biggest spammers in the telecom industry, but they are... Is it bad for their image? It is... Does it make them earn more money? It does...

In the end, it's always about the money... It's not important how they get it at all... just to have more... and more...



Owwwww ok.
Aren't you describing the general Spanish way and attitude towards serving customers?
Haven't been myself working/living in the Spanish system but have a set of friends who do/did. Same stories with almost all officials and even none officials, from passport departments, to general government, to police, to I don't know what.
Rest assured, banks aren't that bad in other places in the world. Like in NL, my tiny country, Banks are super. And don't forget, money in Banks is insured by your own government up to 100k Euro. Banks has their good sides as well ;)
Soooo maybe you need to relocate, to my country maybe? Almost everything goes in a blink of an eye, from getting bank stuff done (no need to get into one of their physical locations, ever). Getting passports done in 5 minutes. The downside of my country is: Weather and many peeps working in restaurants aren't nice at all towards their guest (my little rant for this community lol).


Wow! You are living in a Dreamland... 😀 With such a great country and government there is no need for crypto nor to work anything... They do it all... 😃
Jokes aside... I saw something similar in other countries too, not just Spain (not defending them... lol...)...

The downside of my country is: Weather and many peeps working in restaurants aren't nice at all towards their guest (my little rant for this community lol).

I know about the weather, as it was shitty when I was at HiveFest, and have some Dutch friends coming to Spain because of that reason... And about restaurants, I didn't get that impression, but again, wasn't "testing" that much... 😃 Compared to other countries, Spaniards are great in that environment... Guests are always in the first place... I suppose that's why (except for the sun) it's one of the best tourist destinations...

Have a great weekend! I hope you have nice weather!!!


EDIT: I had to add this legendary video, which is kind of a real story about when you want to become self-employed in Spain... 😂


My country: Its pretty much a dream compared to many countries in the world. I used to travel a whole lot around the world. And whenever I returned back home I was in a happy place, realising over and over again that the circumstances in NL are of the highest level to any society I've been experiencing in one or the other way, Sailant detail, Dutch are known to complain, but in fact, we have nothing to complain about when comparing to other societies 😉 I feel privileged to be born in NL, having a Dutch passport 🙇

Banks and shizzle: I know, it's not only Spain indeed 😉

The video 😂😂😂


Oh my.. Can't believe this is happening.. Fortunately, my city is more digital and the situation isn't that bad, but definitely can see where you are coming from!


It's not the end of the world... It's just a bit annoying that simple things have to take so long and waste so much time to do...



All these categories of employees and their 20th-century tools aren't going to finish well...


lot of patience and went there...

I thought you forgot to carry this😅 it would have been a very long day.

Banks are one of the institutions I dread visiting and as such, I try to reduce my interaction with them.

The last time I went to the bank, I totally forgot to carry my patience and as expected, the lady who was supposed to attend to me got me furious.

I was about to tell her that what she said wasn't right and she owed me an apology but I looked on her desk and saw a sign like, "in no way are customers allowed to exchange words with the workers blahh and if we go against that, the police would be involved". For some reason, that sign got me more infuriated but I used the last energy in me to summon my patience, yet she still told me, " you'd come back after three working days".... You've got to be kidding me😅.....Banks!


Hahahahaha... I completely get you... When you are there, trying to find the solution, to stay calm, it's hard to do so... it's very hard... 😃
But, looking back later is fun... and sharing my pain with others was a great move as we all can have a relaxed fun looking back into the past... And maybe one day we will talk stories to our grandchildren about those crazy institutions called "banks" that thought they will enslave us until the end... :)



And maybe one day we will talk stories to our grandchildren about those crazy institutions called "banks" that thought they will enslave us until the end... :)

As banks are slowly going extinct, their workers should start treating customers better as you never know where you'd meet them again.


Man what a nice bank you have lolol. Here it's much easier. The banks simply cancelled all desks and you need to deal with automates lol


It is like that here too, and believe me, I like that much more... But, I needed to "confirm my identity", and I had to deal with humans inside... 😃



Haha that’s pretty sad, Erikah shared a similar story about a place a few weeks ago and it’s wild how these places manage to stay in business. Oh wait it’s because they have a monopoly and don’t need to compete for customers. Monopolies are bad for everyone involved except the companies!


You are on spot with this! They have survived as they keep the monopoly and they are the owners of ALL money... Plus, supported and backed by governments they can do whatever they want...
And there we are... The reason why they can act as they do... But, the end is near... :)

