Do You Want to Meet? .:. Ph's Shorts 🩳


I have mentioned in my announcement post for the #HHHLive show, and also in the show, that I will shortly take a summer break to do those shows as I will be on the road and visiting my family in the next few weeks... That also means that I will spend less time on HIVE in general, but you know me, I will come here at least an hour (or two) per day to do my stuff (@liotes, @ourpick curation, posts, etc.)! Maybe you will not notice that I'm on break at all! 😂

Created on

On my summer journey, I will spend some time in Serbia, and there was an idea of creating a HIVE meetup there for some time, and it's time to realize it! So during my summer break, I will be less online, but more offline with Hivians!! 😃 The idea was born when my Hive friend (names will be discovered in the future post) that I met in #HiveFest2022 in Amsterdam, told me that he would be in Serbia around the same dates as I!

A few months ago, another Hivian from Czechia, mentioned that he will be traveling through the Balkans during this summer and I understood that as a message from above to create a HiveMeetup!! 🤣

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As this is a "Ph's Shorts" post, let's try to keep it short! For now, we have a few confirmed Hive musicians who will attend a meetup, a few Hive photographers that I hope will join, and some strong 💪 bloggers, so we will be covered with material from the meetup!

Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, but the meetup will take place in Novi Sad, on Saturday, August 17th!

Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia and there are multiple (easy) ways how you can get there from Belgrade or any other city... Regarding the exact place in Novi Sad, that will be discussed with people who would like to attend, but for now, I had in mind some location closer to nature, probably somewhere in Fruska Gora!

We will have an afternoon and evening to hang out, and we can change multiple locations... Again, depending on the number of participants...

In the end, I would like to tag some of my Hive friends who could be interested in this Hive meetup (please don't get offended if I missed you... it wasn't on purpose)... Would you like to attend this meetup, @godfish, @duskobgd, @ugochill, @bil.prag, @alt3r, @oks2crypto, @gadrian?

Of course, everyone is welcome to join! It would be great to see some pleasant surprises, maybe from some countries around Serbia! 🤔

So, if you are interested in attending the meetup, you can leave a message on this post in the comment section, or contact me through Discord, Telegram, Twitter, or whatever you are using... 🙂

Mark the date: Saturday, August 17th, Novi Sad, Serbia!!

Thank you for your time.


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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

2.44150669 BEE

August 17th sounds possible. Novi Sad or Fruska Gora sounds nice. Feel free to tag me when you get more details :D

0.00081013 BEE

Long time no see! We have to catch up with all that happened from HiveFest2022!

See you in 2-3 weeks! We will stay in contact! 💪

0.00000139 BEE

oh cool. You're also in Serbia. We should all meet for sure. :)

0E-8 BEE

I'll be happy to meet you. Just tag me or tell about the details. I live close to Novi Sad. I can hangout till the evening and I can take a train home at 11 pm.

0.00077422 BEE

That's great to hear!! It would be awesome to meet you in person!
I'm still thinking about the exact location (in Novi Sad), but the date is 99%, Saturday, August 17th!

I will tag you in the next post for sure!

0E-8 BEE

Sounds good to me. Not easy to be 100 percent sure of the exact date but let's say it stands at 90 percent at the moment. :)

0.00072408 BEE

Wooohoooo! 🔥🎉


See you in August! Stay tuned for more info!

0.00115173 BEE

That also means that I will spend less time on HIVE in general, but you know me, I will come here at least an hour (or two) per day to do my stuff

Like what some say, it's a clear sign that it's something that you enjoy doing. That's why we make time for these things. Hehe!

Have fun!


0.00070804 BEE

...or I'm just addicted to HIVE! 😂


0.00803574 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Darn, if I'll be around, it would be a week or two earlier!

0.00071004 BEE

Awww... That's a pity...

Do you plan to go by car on your trip? If yes, we can do a mini-meetup somewhere in Vojvodina... 😃 Of course, if you want to, and have time... 🙂

0E-8 BEE

We still haven't settled everything, and may end up heading someplace else, like the Alpes in Austria or Slovenia instead :)

0.00041001 BEE

That sounds like a nice idea. You can probably meet different people from usual because you are in a different place. It's way too far for me but I hope you have fun.

0.00070980 BEE

Yeah! That's the point... To meet people that aren't usually in my neighborhood... 😃

0E-8 BEE

Almost impossible for me to make it even if it's not so far away. I hope you guys have a great time!

0.00071375 BEE

It's a pity that you can't make it!
I have no doubts that it will be fun! Thanks!

0E-8 BEE

Wen HIVEFEST Africa lol?

So people from neighbouring places in Serbia can actually attend?

0.00071505 BEE

Serbia isn't a big country, so it's not that far away for people from Hungary, Croatia, or Romania to come... We will see how it goes... Even with 3-4 Hivians, it counts as a Hive meetup! :)

Wen HIVEFEST Africa lol?

Don't know... Maybe Roeland would know the answer... 🙂

0E-8 BEE

Wow, it will be a great time for you and those whom you'll meet up with, have fun!

0.00071029 BEE

Thank you very much! I hope we will gather a nice crowd... It will be fun, for sure! :)

0E-8 BEE

@ph1102 thanks for the invite 🫶
We still haven't decided on the date of our annual vacation.
If it is August, at the proposed time, I will be in Thessaloniki. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see you.
But if I postpone my vacation to September, I'll see you on Fruska Gora.

0.00070508 BEE

Let's hope that you will postpone your vacation to September... 😜

Invitation is on, and I will tag you in the next "update post"... just in case... :)

0.00000507 BEE

Dear @ph1102, as I already wrote, August a month for vication.
We arrived in Thessaloniki this morning.

I'm sorry that I won't be able to take advantage of such a phenomenal proximity to the Hive meetup, but be sure to tag me, I want to see how you had a good time and which meeting point on Fruška Gora you chose.
In the post from one weekend in hiking, we visited the restaurant, "Na vencu". Take a look, it might be one of your options.

I wish you a nice, interesting gathering 🫶

0.00078701 BEE

Hope you will come back with some travel posts as I do 😄

0.00071149 BEE

Oh, that's for sure! Not just from that meetup, but I hope from my road trip too!

0E-8 BEE

Summer time is the perfect time to get offline and meet real Hivers! I was never in Serbia, bit I am sure it would be a great place for a meetup!

0.00071187 BEE

We will see how it goes! Wherever we pick for a location, it would be great... as the company is great... 😃

0.00003543 BEE

If I'm not wrong @clixmoney may have possibility to join to this meet up.

0.00070917 BEE

Oh, indeed! You are right... He is in Serbia!

@clixmoney, you are officially invited! 😃

0.00000123 BEE

Ha-ha +10 to Liotes ranking 😊🙃😉

0.00040599 BEE

We'll see. I don't want to promise anything because I work on Saturdays.

0.00071256 BEE

I hope you will make it!

0E-8 BEE

A good mate of mine lives in Novi Sad, originally from London, got “stranded” there during Covid and never came back. Sadly I just don’t have the time now to make that trip. Have a great meet up. I’m sure it will be very good.

0.00070915 BEE

It looks like your friend fell in love with Novi Sad! I liked the city 2 decades ago, but it grew a lot recently... On the other side, it has some nice surrounding area, a lot of places for a walk, picnic...

Thanks for the wishes! Appreciated!

0.00000175 BEE

He has long loved Serbia, his wife is Serbian and they met in London where she has lived for a long time as college students. They were having some problems with their daughter, mixing with the wrong crowd, a common problem here in the UK and so they decided to stay with the in-laws for awhile to help their daughter overcome her issues. They now rent a place of their own out there now and have rented their London flat out in the meantime. Mark was very lucky in inheriting the London house when he was younger and property prices in central London ar now very high. He’s a great lad and has got it sussed.

0.00040753 BEE

I just hope you have a fantastic time in Serbia
I also wish to attend a Hive meetup someday

0.00060810 BEE

Thank you very much! It will be fun for sure!

0E-8 BEE

Wow meeting Hivians in Serbia sounds pretty awesome. Enjoy the trip and the meetup brother

0.00060943 BEE

Thanks! Can't wait to meet some of my old/new friends!

0E-8 BEE

I'm sure it's going to be memorable brother

0E-8 BEE

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0.00041345 BEE

Thanks for your curation!

0E-8 BEE