Pepe Dollar


The Pepe Dollar - The dollar you can get by burning a dollar, or rather HBD, worth of PEPE tokens, or from the market man. Dollars feels so green man!

PEPE Dollar$!
pepedollar reblogged

PEPE Dollar$!

Get your Pepe Dollar$ man! PEPE Dollar$ today fer only 471,100 PEPE tokens! You can get a $HBD or a $PPDLR fer less than a Halph a MILLY PEPE…

0.10476435 BEE
Pepe Dollars
pepedollar reblogged

Pepe Dollars

Send future PEPE to be burned to @pepedollar . This idea suggested by a community member. This way "Pepe" may look up transactions of received PEPE tokens. Then burn them…

3.45660741 BEE
Introducing The PEPE Dollar!
pepedollar reblogged

Introducing The PEPE Dollar!

The PEPE token community recently fired up an idea about burning PEPE tokens for PEPE Dollars... source While we are going to look into a smart contracts for this. The Hive…

1.07924214 BEE