i came here to find inner peace
I always loved computer games as an enthuastic gamer, but Splinterlands changed my perspective and led me to this new NFT and HIVE world, where peoples are connected together in order to build something amazing.
3.95368897 BEE
Vote Value
0.00034574 BEE
Krypto Denno
Mein Motto: Leben und leben lassen! :) Supporter der deutschsprachigen Community.
1424.82699292 BEE
Vote Value
0.12459641 BEE
A hobby web application that aims to show the recent card price changes in the crypto card game Splinterlands. Created by @szobipetya
0.00010588 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000001 BEE
Satria Ramadhan
Father - Gamer - Learner | Not a photographer but loves taking picture | Creator of Indonesianhiver | Running some giveaway
0.71016997 BEE
Vote Value
0.00006210 BEE
News, Giveaways and so much more! Building a thriving active economy in the NFT, Gaming and Crypto space.
0.07667859 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000671 BEE