A Recap on how to keep your community engagement




How to keep your community engaged after mint/behind-the-bag RE-cap

Good day, hives, happy celebration period as it revolves around the world. Hope all is great and intact.

I am here again as a kid lion trying to grow.
By the hustle and growth of the small campaign challenge, what do you expect from a growing cob if not to keep eating leftovers seen in the jungle as this cob has been left to go feed itself.?

The Re-recap I am aiming to talk about is the significance that must be put into consideration to keep your community engaged that was discussed in the space.

Different interaction occurs between the participants and as you know, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

But before I symbolize my symbolism, the anchor hints that giveaways of 50-dollar worth of NFTs are for grabs and how will you get this.

Each contending must customize his or her X profile and if you don't have one yet, do not be discouraged as you can create one. So what follows, customizing your profile and booking it which boss Santa uses her profile as context.

Now let's go back to our discussions.

There are two situations you can meet yourself and that will warrant you to keep your community engaged.

The first one is if your community engagement has fallen below expectations and the limbo situation can last longer when your anchor misses it all.

The first significant to heighten your community engagement is by giving interest not in only one subject of discussion but also utility-wise. Every area must be touched to trigger community engagement.

The second significance is to consider slow growth as positivity not over-hyping a context that will trigger the engagement of your community but only for the engagement to die down due to lack of expected outcome.

These two significant points at the founder and project owner who never set clear expectations of what the plan is in the community, timeline, and a clear vision of what should be expected in a community.

The project owner of the community such as Discord, Twitter and the likes should be leading in front such as constant daily posting and involvement to carry everyone along not triggering and ghosting off.

Examples, basic values, the established expectation is important, leading by example by re-tweeting and growing a growth mindset, and a sense of belonging and team supporting the community must work together for engages to meet prime expectation.

Secondly, too much monetary, value for tokens, and magigaveen money should be put to too much consideration before engagement, not monetary support should be put as an ulterior motive to achieve all the time as community engagement is considered.

I believe that my Re cap is well-explanatory for comprehension.

It is @oyebolu and I am still working on the leaderboard.

I hope this cub is growing or has grown.

I hope to see you all at the next face of the Zeally campaign challenge as a starter.

Have a great time. Giggles!!!.
