Thank goodness I got to the rating... I think these creators should come up with something else, something different,I mean no pressure or anything but weakest to become the…
Thankyou so much @cinetv.
Congratulations fellow writers,I just finished reading some reviews and they were amazing. I have my eyes set on Your Monster…
I have never heard of this movie before but I've seen the mc in a lot of movies. Seems like a great watch as you've watched it three times and haven't gotten tired of…
On that right now...
Let me try and make it to weekend before I see Kengan Ashura. I'll check Gensai vs Youjiro on Yt rq. I'm honestly just trying to make it to weekend. I watch…
This one's going to be tricky. I haven't really watched any movies as of late but I'll rewatch one of the movie with amazing duos that I genuinely loved and write about it I…
Whenever I see an arcane edit or review,the speed I use to scroll pass it should be studied! I don't want the spoilers,Arcane is so good! I watched the season one sometime last…