olympicdragonyesterdayThe price is so different that the internal exchange. I bought some HBD and it was about 25% less at least…00 00.00000000 BEE
olympicdragonlast weekRE: Is this worth Money? #2 : More free HiveTools for you!These tools should be useful. I need check my tokens, perhaps still have some archon…80 10.00026325 BEE
olympicdragonlast weekIts been difficult the few games before the season end. I managed to get a nice amount of glint, due to renting more sps. I need to get more legendaries…10 10.04391116 BEE
olympicdragon2 weeks agoThere is good reviews about squid game. I still haven't seen an episode yet…00 00E-8 BEE
olympicdragon2 weeks agoMy sps is nearly 5000 staked. I rent as its cheaper than buying, and try accumulate through winning battles…20 10.11289246 BEE
olympicdragon2 weeks agoThe game looks quite interesting. I'm playing splinterlands just now, i like games similar to this…10 10.00011725 BEE
olympicdragon2 weeks agoIts better the exchange is without kyc. So therefore any one is ok…10 00.00313876 BEE