Newbies Task 1: My Targets for the next 3 months.


Here is the first chapter of the Newbies Initiative,
The first task is to share our Hive goals for the first three Months.
I will be sharing some of my Goals, and how i plan to achieve them.

Imaged designed on canva

The newbies initiative has been an amazing platform that has really helped me a lot, i can't thanks the founder @starstrings01 enough for this wonderful opportunity, also my team leader @depressedfuckup, @vickoly and the sweet lady @nkemakonam89 for their encouragement and assistance all through.

My Partner contribution

One of the most interesting part of the newbies initiative program is connection and relationship building, we are required to partner up, and for this week i partnered with @og-gamershub, He is a curious and supportive fellow. We both discussed how we can actualise every goals and targets. He pointed out that Consistency is the Key to achieving the goals, i agreed with this point because haven talked to a lot of hive mentors they all stressed consistency.

My Contribution

I believe in building quality connections, relationship matters a lot especially with People that have experiences and Are way ahead of you. For Me it is very important to engage with people on the Hive blog chain, engage in their post, share genuine comments, Reblogs, Upvotes.

Also Posting Quality Content (Consistently), Stay Committed to things that contributes to the growth of the community, the Hive Blockchain as a whole.
These in turn helps you get better visibility, growth and rewards.

Points that stood out for me in the meeting

Honestly i learnt a lot of things from the meeting, which are very insightful and helpful.
Out of all the points learnt, the following points stood out for me, one of which is that, you should be Hungry for your goals, and Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T.

S.M.A.R.T is an acronym which means:

SPECIFIC: Be intentional about your goals, stay focused on the particular goal.

MEASURABLE your goal should not be too difficult or Unrealistic to achieve, clear steps and measures must be taken towards achieving a milestone.

ATTAINABLE your goals must be Achievable.

RELEVANT your goals must be very important for you to achieve, important enough for you to be very committed in achieving them.

TIME-BOUND your goals should have a set time bound for accomplishments. They must be a time stipulated for each and every goals to be achieved.

I learnt not to limit all this amazing tips To Hive Alone but Let it Reflects in every part of your life.

Some of the members contributed:

Meya shared that you should always celebrate your small wins and be intentional about your goals, because sometimes it can really be difficult to go about
them, but you can alway break them down into little steps and attempting them.

Mr Depressed share about Quality in your post, he pointed out that we need to snap quality pictures and do quality videos. He stressed on the fact that we should always use our pictures and make sure our post are of good quality. He told us that votes are not guaranteed too.

I also asked on the Time factors: on whether sharing posts on time determines curation. Mr Starstring01, answered and said it determines, that we are to write our post on time, not when its the deadline for submission especially for prompts from communities.

These are My Goals on Hive for the next Three Months

I plan to Invest more in Hive: By improving My Hive power by 300%.

Currently My Hive power is 521 in the next 3 month i should be Having 1500 Hive power.

I plan to achieve these Goals by:

  1. Posting atleast 7 quality post in a week
  2. Doing quality Vlogs and Threads especially on Leofinance
  3. Trying out other Niches or trying out new things
  4. Powering Up daily.
  5. Investing in Tokens.
  6. Engaging in the blog Games.
  7. Engaging with Others, building Quality relationships.
  8. Buy Another Smartphone with Better Camera quality and Other Videos Gadgets to improve My VLogging experience.

Building My Reputation and followers

I plan to Build up my followers by 300% too
That mean by December 2023 my followers must be Up to 150. (Three months Target)
I plan to do this by Engaging more with People on the blockchain. building quality relationship and also consistently trying my best to bring quality and contribute to the growth of the communities am engaging with.

Finally for my Reputation to be boosted from my Current Reputation 64 to 70 by December (Three Months Targets)

I need to Strictly Follow the 3Cs to success

Commitment: I need to be committed to bringing quality to the Hive block chain: through investment and Engagement.
Consistency: I need to be consistent on the Block chain
Connection: I need to build quality Relationship with people.

With all these clear goals written down and strictly measure taken to actualize and achieve them, i believe by December all my Goals will be Achieved.

All images are mine, the dividers are property of hivelearner

I hope you all enjoy Reading, do have a great day



Amazing post
Hope you achieve all your goals bro


My amazing partner, OG himself, thanks for the Good Wishes,
I pray we all achieve our goals and and Get bigger and Better


This is dreaming big. Nice job 👍
Wish you success 🙂


Thank you so much,
I pray you also achieve success in all your goals


Wow...these are challenging goals you set but it's doable with your 3 C's tactics

Current Reputation 64 to 70 by December (Three Months Targets)

Hahaha, guy be calming down oo 😂
@vickoly come and carry your brother oo 😂... reputation is quite slowly from 65, before you add one more, it takes ages unless you loot alot everyday.. lolz.. however, I wish you all the best
Keep Hiving 🤗❤️👍


Hehe, I will try to follow your footsteps and loot everywhere possible 😂
But does reputation actually take so long like that?
