Web3 and You: Redefining Control in the Digital Age with InLeo

The world is evolving every day, and to be a part of it, one must change with it. Two decades ago, the internet transitioned from a stage where we could only consume content to one where we could also contribute by creating content as well as interact with one another.

Yet again, an evolution is happening; we are developing to the point where the majority of technologies will be based on this new stage, web3.

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The internet as we have it now is predominantly operated on web2 platforms such as the ones in our everyday lives, like social media platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram. Web2 is what we are used to seeing around, but there are certain limitations that are not exactly apparent as web2 is what we have known for the longest time.

The phrase "don't put all your eggs in one basket" is relevant in the context of the internet. Web2 platforms, like the ones we are used to, have centralised bodies that control them. What that implies is that our data is stored with them, and they have control over it. It is why anything can happen to our data at anytime, like having changes on your accounts that were not done by you.

Another drawback of centralised entities having power in their hands is that they are also vulnerable to breaches, and that's why the term "hacked" is very common on conventional social media platforms.

Web3, on the other hand, represents a paradigm shift towards a more decentralised internet. On web3 platforms, users have total ownership over their data and assets.

Decentralisation, as opposed to centralised networks, simply means that you have the data stored and processed by anonymous nodes in a network, thereby taking away that central control. Facilitated by blockchain technology, it makes it more secure and transparent.

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Web3 extends beyond just security and true financial ownership. It fosters a more inclusive community and economy. Decentralised finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a few examples of how web3 is changing the narrative of various aspects of our day-to-day lives, like art, gaming, and finance.

And speaking about inclusive communities and economies, web3 makes tokenization very seamless in the absence of "middlemen." With the tokenization possibility on web3, one can simply incentivize people, like community members, directly in a safe and secure manner—and pretty fast as well.

Fast transactions and secure wallets are two of the strong suits of web3 platforms like @inleoio. And it allows for various facilities to be built upon them, like play-to-earn games, reward pools, and efficient data storage that is immutable.

True ownership should be imperative to anyone who values their data, privacy, and autonomy. Our everyday lives, endeavours, and learnings are content in this age and time, and you'd prefer for them to answer to you and you alone. Platforms like @inleoio provide you with an experience that's conventional and similar to what you're used to on web2, but with the brain and systems of web3.

  • There's a community for every niche, and even all-inclusive ones for the "nicheless and thriving" ones of us.

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  • There's no one in charge but you. You own everything that's rightly yours—your wallet and content. You have your own voice and freedom.

  • Experience things that you used to already, like microblogging (short-form content like tweets).

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  • There's a reward pool to earn from making posts and comments.


  • There's a pretty UI that's customizable, fast, and efficient for you.

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Joining in is pretty straightforward. Simply follow the link to inleo.io 👇🏽


Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.28268105 BEE

This is awesome my man, there is no doubt that we all are used to having web2 around us, we have gotten so connected to web2 that it seems impossible for us to move to web3 which is the next level, the decentralized aspect of it is what makes me happy the most, having total control of one’s account is nothing short of greatness man, this is indeed a beautiful write up, thanks for sharing…

0.00111485 BEE

In a conversation with a friend, I learned about a lady that had her account on IG disabled. She's been weeping ever since. Such a thing cannot happen here on Hive. And that's the true power of decentralisation. Thanks for reading, bro.

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome my man, the power of decentralization 😎

0E-8 BEE

Impressive. I love the way you break down the complex terms into something very easy to understand even for a newbie. This web3 is gold we are sitting on. Well done.

0.00092156 BEE

Most people coming from web2 wouldn't get the depths that we understand right away. It's why we need to simplify them to be able to onboard them. Thank you for reading.

0E-8 BEE

This are some of the reasons why I love web3. True ownership, privacy and total control over your account. That alone is to give one that assurance and make one rest assured.

I wish more people can come onboard to see and enjoy the beauty of web3.

Thank you for sharing. #dreemerforlife

0.00092144 BEE

If I would ever build brands, I would prefer to do it on web3 platforms like Hive, where I know that they won't be erased or tampered with, or even have me locked out from. Web3 is the future. More and more people need to know this.

0E-8 BEE

True ownership. That, to me, sounds like a sound of victory. It is nice seeing how web3 has taken over and given that assurance to edge on because no one can take away the You established.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy Wednesday. I hope you are ready for what the world is bringing to your feet today. Have fun and spread your smiles. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.

0.00091138 BEE

People need to adopt web3 platforms and familiarise themselves with it as soon as they can, so they can participate in the imminent evolution of the internet. The transition is smooth, thankfully.

0E-8 BEE

Yeah, they really need to cos, the world is moving... fast.

0E-8 BEE

It's so good to know about web3. It is just the opposite of web2 with more merits. I am glad to be among those embracing it and like you said, it is better to build a brand with web3 where you have total ownership of your data and all you do there. Nice write up

0.00074289 BEE

We sure have found a gem in web3. The next thing now is to tell others that aren't in the ecosystem about it.

0E-8 BEE

That's for sure

0E-8 BEE

Inleo is pretty cool really!

0.00025833 BEE

I admire the team and their drive too.

0E-8 BEE

Thank God I found web3

0.00014848 BEE

Thank God

0E-8 BEE

Lol 😂

0E-8 BEE