My cleaning planet activities day #40

Hi everyone,

how are you all doing today, I hope you are all doing well in your various places, and it is another beautiful Saturday and I wish everyone happy weekend ahead and this week is going to favor us.

I was so stressful for me and I can't imagine it has I got to shop this morning everywhere look so dirty and you all no me I can never stay In a dirty surroundings talk less of doing any work there.

but today was very amazing because there was a weeding ceremony in my area and everywhere was full of nylon and dispatchable bag, so I was at the party too and I take my time to clean it as part of my today's cleaning activities.

A big thanks goes to those who introduced this amazing cleaning planet which was a good thing,we all see why cleaning is very important and I was able to show my daily cleaning activities here everyday.

here is my today cleaning activities as of 13th of April, 2024 cleaning planet activities.

A big thanks to

