I am thankful for the 2023 elections conducted in Abia State.


Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. Despite how bad 2023 was, there are certain things that we are thankful for. There are lessons, people, and many other things that made 2023 a very memorable year. There are things that, when we look back at in 2023, and we smile and are grateful for. No year is all bad; a few things and people make some part of the year a good one.

designed in canva.

Abia State is believed to be one of the states that has suffered the most at the hands of the bad government. For the past 10 years or more, it has been from one bad leader to another. Leaders who are only after self-interest and are gathering public money for themselves, their children, and even generations to come—all of this is done at the expense of the general public.

Despite the plea and cry of the people of Abia, all these leaders still do exactly as their predecessors did, or even worse. Abia State should be ranked in the top 1 as one of the states with the worst roads and worst house planning. You just name it; Abia State has it all. Many youths were forced to go into all kinds of illegal stuff for survival, and it's all thanks to the government that made life very difficult for citizens.

In 2023, the election was conducted, and the same set of people tried to lay their hands on the mantle again, but the returning officer stood her ground to ensure it was a free and fair election. The people's choice won in the person of his Excellency Alex Oti; indeed, he has opened up a doorway for light to come into the state. The way the people celebrated his victory the day he was announced as the winner says it all and has shown us what leadership looks like.

He has started road construction, and even those who did not believe in him are starting to see that he is the best we have. We can't say what the past government did with the revenue generated in the state, but this time around, we can boldly point out a few things that the state's money was spent on. If we had had someone like this in power all these years, then our state would have been in a better condition.

We always had issues at the city center, known as Isi Gate. He stepped into power, and all these stopped. Drivers are no longer harassed by touts and can now drive peacefully without needing to pay taxes here and there. The touts had printed tickets, which you must purchase as a driver; otherwise, you will not be allowed to access the road. Every day, they were complaining of drivers getting the beating of their lives. Indeed, when a bad man is in power, the people suffer. We have suffered all this for years but are slowly starting to see some changes.

This is one thing I look back on in 2023, and I am grateful it happened the way it did. I try to picture Abia State in the future with men like Alex as leaders, and all I see is greatness. He has a vision for the state and the people; all he needs is to surround himself with the right people so he does not forget the reason he is in power.

Thanks for reading my post


It's good to be thankful to God for life and everything. May this new year favour us.


We are all really looking forward to a better year.


Despite the fact that the presidential election was lost, the entire 2023 Nigeria election was powerful. For the first time, Nigerians fought for what is rightfully theirs. If it continues like this, it won't be long before we take back Nigeria


Hopefully Nigerians stick together in this fight without letting our differences stand in the way.
