I'm an Oceanographer and Surfer who love nature. 🇧🇷 I'm also co-founder of Precious Plastic ES that we're trying to bring environmental consciousness through...
Leticia Parada
Physical education teacher, PhD student, content creator, bodysurfer and nature lover.
0.00008846 BEE
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0.00000001 BEE
I am a creator of contents web3 in Cointimes 📰 | gamer and streamer of: @naoebemumcanal 🎇| 30 years old.🎂🎈| I love game, movies and technology. 👾🕹️
0.05032175 BEE
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0.00000370 BEE
0.03748559 BEE
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0.00000275 BEE
Love Sniper
OCD's Introduction Post Curation Initiative This is OCD's effort to give love to new users to hopefully retain them in Hive.
0.09997064 BEE
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0.00000734 BEE
Wagner Tamanaha
Mais uma rede social online? Prefiro minha parte em dinheiro, aceito criptomoedas :-)
0.01383012 BEE
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0.00000102 BEE
freesurfing deep ARDRP @gnars nature / fungi lover @preciousplastes @surfhive @skatehive
0.0073369 BEE
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0.00000054 BEE
0.00129336 BEE
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0.00000009 BEE
Precious Plastic ES
💡 Parte da Precious Plastic. Nossa missão é enfrentar o problema dos resíduos plásticos por meio da upcycling ♻️️ Transformamos o plástico pós consumo em produtos mais duráveis e preciosos. 🌎 A Sustentabilidade e a Educação Ambiental são os principais pilares da Precious Plastic ES, que visa transformar a percepção das pessoas a respeito do descartável. English: 💡Part of Precious Plastic. Only 1% of plastic in Brazil is recycled, most of it ends up in dumps, in the environment and oceans causing a series of socio-environmental and economic impacts. Our mission is to tackle the problem of plastic waste through upcycling ♻️ We transform post-consumer plastic into more durable and precious products. 🌎 Sustainability and Environmental Education are the main pillars of Precious Plastic ES, which aims to transform people's perception of disposable.
0.00005444 BEE
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0.00000000 BEE