Splinterlands - Social Media Challenge: Using bid-buys to buy two big cards!

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Hello everyone! And welcome back to my Splinterlands blog, what do you think about the new reward system? I think (and hope) it needs some time to sink in and be adjusted by the Splinterlands team, speaking for myself, I've pushed all the way to Diamond I in Wild League, but because I don't have nearly enough SPS staked I'm not earning a lot of glint this way, about 180 for every win, the SPS is not bad with over 1 SPS for every win, however, Modern League is still a jungle, I'm seeing A LOT of max level decks in low silver rating, from 1000 to 1500 so that's crazy, the strange thing is a lot of the names look like bot names, and they own very little cards themselves, but are renting 2 or 3 splinters at max level, this makes them weaker against players with full owned decks, like myself, but they are very though to beat for lower level human players, of course I only THINK it's bots, I have no proof for this...


A human player would come up with a better name I think, and it would surely be in it's benefit to join a guild!

So, in Wild, we still experience quite a bit of rating inflation, since I can push to Diamond I with my max Gold deck, but at the same time, I'm having a lot of difficulties even reaching Gold III in Modern League, at this moment I'm at 1540 rating, so just below Silver I even, my SPS rewards are pretty nice here but the glint amount sucks even more than in Wild, so at this moment, whatever I do I'm not even close to earning the amount of reward cards per season I used to get, let's hope this gets adjusted and with time, the high level decks can find their way out of lower leagues and stop crushing these smaller players.

Well.. this was only a preface for my actual post so let's get on with today's main topic...

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This weeks Social Media Challenge:

This weeks Social Media Challenge is the same as last weeks, and again I have no problems with not having remarkable moment being a Splinterlands player, it's more a problem of picking one I'm going to write about! 😁
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

🔥 Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!

My most remarkable moments (yeah I ended up picking two lol) for this week is the purchase of two well known Splinterlands cards, I stopped playing another Web3 game, Sunflower Land because of new game updates making it harder to extract earnings from the game so I made the call to liquidate my assets and bring them over to my Splinterlands account. In my battles I was getting my ass kicked on a regular base by primarily two cards in the teams I was facing, so I figured 'When you can't beat them, join them'.

When you're about to buy cards, but are new to Splinterlands, check out my card buying explainer post, it explains in detail how to best use the various ways to buy cards.

In short, there are three ways:

  • In-game: the worst way in my opinion since you're paying too much fees
  • at monstermarket.io you can buy cards straight from the market, getting a 60% fee refund.
  • make bid-buys on peakmonsters.com

When you don't want to wait, monstermarket is your best option, when you have time AND the highest bid buy is below market value, you can try making a bid for the card you want, no guarantee your bid get filled of course, so you could end up waiting for ever or someone outbidding you and making you wait even longer.


So the first card I got is Zyriel, for now she's the only monster being able to fight in both the Death and Life teams.


She has the Weapons Training ability so with only a few mana you can make very high damage teams, for example, look at this back line 🙂


The second card I wanted to join my team is Doctor Blight!

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I already had this card delegated to me from one of my guild mates at level 1, where it brings affliction for only 4 mana, it really starts to shine at level 2 with the poison ability, especially in the Wands Out ruleset it really makes a difference, being able to poison and stop healing Oshannus for example.
Since the market value at that moment was around $53 when I wanted to buy it straight from Monstermarket, but the bids on peakmonsters where very low, I put out a bid order for $15 per BCX, so a maximum of $45 (saving $8 when my bid gets filled)
So the waiting started, and it worked!


even a fraction below my bid, saving another 77 cents!

Every Splinterlands post needs a battle in it!

The battle I want to share for this post is a Modern League 47 mana Odd Ones Out / Close Range battle, with the Fire and Death splinters locked out. Close Range really favors a Zyriel team, so I made a life team with a heavy hitting backline, while being protected from sneak with Thorns. In battles when I'm not sure what to expect from my opponent, I just make my best team for the job, and not worry about my opponent too much...

First look at the battlefield:


My first thought seeing the summoner was DAMN! a max level Lily makes strong teams, and the rest of the team is doing heavy damage also, however, in most Lily teams I see a lot of support cards that can't be attacked without Scattershot keeping the tank alive, this team is just focused on doing a lot of damage.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: General Sloan - reason: Access to the life splinter, boost ranged damage.
  • First position: Uriel the Purifier - reason: High HP, good armor, self heal.
  • Second position: War Pegasus - reason: Fast and Flying, good damage, good amount of HP.
  • Third position: Djinn Renova - reason: Triage.
  • Fourth position: Scavo Hireling - reason: Repair Armor, receiving training from Zyriel.
  • Fifth position: Zyriel - reason: Weapons Training adjacent units, good damage.
  • Sixth position: Evelyn Auvera - reason: Sneak Protection, receiving training from Zyriel.

The Battle:


Round 1: Well the Taunt got killed very fast, good thing I'm just below the Forcefield treshold! My thorny sneak protection was a good choice too.


Round 2: The tank died, the fast and flying Peryton will give my archers some trouble in killing it I think, when it gets killed there's nothing in the way of winning this battle.


Round 3: And suddenly things got out of hand for my opponent fast, with only doing 4 damage a round, there's no way I'm losing this since the sneak damage is hitting armor only which is being repaired again.


Round 4: Yes, that's a win!


A nice amount of SPS, crappy Glint, I hope this gets better in the future!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

That's it for today since the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge for this weeks is yet to launch, I hope to see you on my next post, on with my brawls and ranked battles!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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