nnurdiani5 days agoI agree with you, the presence of a father and mother is important. If one of them is missing, it will have an impact on the…00 00.00000000 BEE
nnurdiani2 weeks agoI am happy if you want to visit Jakarta (Indonesia). Yes, Indonesia have many delicisous…10 00E-8 BEE
nnurdiani2 weeks agoOh iya? It's the same food. From article A read, some food from ASEAN have some food…00 00E-8 BEE
nnurdiani2 weeks agoBut, this food make me fully for breakfast. Hahah. Thank for stopping…00 00E-8 BEE
nnurdiani2 weeks agoSometimes people who utter hate speech immediately bow when they meet the victim. I think that's…10 10.00112276 BEE
nnurdiani2 weeks agoSometimes, in the name of freedom of opinion some people feel free to express…00 10E-8 BEE