Awwwwwww 🥰🥰 was a nice hive story of how u took it at how far you have come
beautiful part has been your crotchet skill being expressed here
I will say, thanks for saying…
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Every paragraph came with so much laughter 🤣🤣
Please, I need more of your ride experience biko 😃😃..let me laugh out my worries 🤣🤣
Crazy driver indeed ...…
I think if this subject is included for high school like the prompt said, then it becomes better especially from SS class who are growing out of teenage will be matured enough…
There are still downsides favour but maybe not for all students but definitely some students will over learn and be highly exposed to start misusing the knowledge...I have heard…
It's in 's in your blood! Even if u stay a decade without signing, coming back wouldn't be any issues at voice is blessed biko
I enjoyed this one again, as usual
Welcome back…
There are some job I can't take even as a single.. like 6 am to 10pm for how much please? Whatever.. it's choking and definitely burning out is inevitable. However, with your…