Newbies Task 6: Blockchain Games-The Gaming Revolution


Hello guys,
It’s already the 6th week of the newbies initiative and I still can’t believe we have been able to come this far as newbies with the help of our wonderful teachers. Through this initiative I have been able to learn a lot more and I’m glad to be a part of it.

image designed by me on canva

In our meeting last weekend we were educated on blockchain games and this is my submission to our task for the week which is on blockchain games.

Task for the week:

  • Mention 2 features that make blockchain games different from other games?
  • List 4 Games on Hive Ecosystem and include their in-game currencies.
  • Are NFTs important? If yes, what do you think are their use cases in Blockchain Games?
    Pick any Blockchain Game of your choice (Rising Star or any other in any Ecosystem)
  • Identify the blockchain the game is built on and mention the in-game currency.
  • "Attempt" playing the game and write about your experience with the game (whether positive or negative)

It’s an obvious fact that games play an essential role in our lives as humans. Various people play games for different purposes. Some people play games for fun, others for money, others also do it develop their IQ. But in all, games are fun and so they are not an exception on the blockchain.

What are Blockchain games?
Blockchain games are games that are built and played on the blockchain. Blockchain games can also be called P2E games meaning Play To Earn. I guess we all understand what that means.
Simply put, with Blockchain games you have fun and also get the chance to earn some cryptocurrency. Doesn’t that sound fun? Yes it does.

What features make blockchain games different from other games?

1.Blockchain games are Free To Play (F2P)
Playing a blockchain game is free to everyone and that makes it more fun. Unlike other games where you need to purchase this or that to be able to play, blockchain games are free to all. But one can also make investments in the game. Every game has its native token and other tokens which users can buy to keep as investment or to play more games.

2.Blockchain games are Play To Earn (P2E)
As I stated in my first point, blockchain games are free but one can invest in them on your own accord. Buying tokens to play blockchain games help you to earn more than you have invested. The more you invest to play, the more you make money.
So as you are having fun, you are also making money in the form of cryptocurrency or NFT’s.

Some Games on Hive Ecosystem and their in-game currencies

Here are some hive blockchain games with their tokens.


NFTs in blockchain games. Important or Not important?

NFT simply means Non-fungible tokens. NFTs are important in blockchain games because they are unique to the user and can also be sold.NFTs come in various forms such as images,music, art and many more.

These NFT’s can be traded to other users and this aids in earning extra cash. From what I know, NFTs are quite expensive and so they are obviously important in blockchain games.

My Experience Playing Rising Star Game

Rising star is a music game built on the hive blockchain with STARBITS being the in-game currency.

This is my second time attempting to play a game on the blockchain. I’m not really a game person so I kind of have problems finding my way around blockchain games. This being my second time attempting to play a game on the blockchain, i sort of knew my way around stuff this time around.


In my quest to play a good game I ended up trying about 3 games but I didn’t really know what to do. First, I made my way to the hive blockchain and there I had a number of games I could play.


I decided to go with the Ape mining club game but after logging in , I didn’t know what to do next so I decided to try another game.


So I went with the Rising star game next. I logged in and there it was, a whole lot to read. Sigh. Seems like it’s the same thing you have to read over every time. I did all the reading and got into the game by clicking in the ‘Start a mission’ option





And here I had options to choose from and play. I decided to go with the illegal busking option since it was the first. I started the game only for me to see nothing aside this countdown.


I sat there hoping something would come up for me to play. I got confused so I went back to make more research on the game and I realized I just had to wait for the countdown to be over and then I get some points.


This wasn’t what I expected, even though I don’t really like games I expected something more challenging other than just waiting for the countdown to be over.

In all, the music from the Rising star radio wasn’t that bad. I enjoyed it so that’s a plus to keep me going while the countdown goes on.

Well, this is all for today. I had so much fun doing this and I urge you all the try some of the blockchain games. I hope you learnt something new today. Enjoy your day.

All images used belong to me unless stated otherwise.


Oh this is the first time I've heard about ape mining club.

I think i need to check that out.

Thanks for sharing, upvoted :)


I didn’t understand much about it but you should check it out.


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