Moyinoluwa felt comfortable having her aunt as a chaperone but the question is why not tell you? A date is already filled with expectation but not this kind. You were very polite…
This was a scary situation. Your gave Sunny a second chance but he was not honest with you. It is good that you got away without harm because the female was dangerous. It was a…
Sometimes the best made plans do not work out like one envisages. It seems as though everything that could go wrong went wrong on the date. Despite that, Sam and Cherry were…
There were too many ducks in the neighbourhood. Although things went wrong, at least you both caught up with each other and could have a laugh. Despite chasing ducks, you both…
Some men will be deceptive and date others whilst being married. As a result, females need to be very astute when dating. It was a horrible way to find out the truth but better…
Your date met you under false pretences. It was not to have a nice time with you but for you to treat her and her friends to dinner. She was truly insensitive and abusive because…
Drey and his brother's prank was painful and insensitive. The brother disliked her rejection but Bella must follow her heart. It was an elaborate scheme to execute revenge.…
Looks can indeed be deceiving. Despite her good looks you found her boring and not your type intellectually. In addition, she lacked "table manners". She demonstrated well that…