You have a passion for music and singing. Despite the expenses - your have very clear plans to fulfill your dreams plans. Gospel music is so uplifting and inspiring - all the…
You know what is in your heart and what you would like for yourself. You have thought through your plans and analysed the pros and cons. You know that finance is an issue but you…
You have explored all the possibilities and it's good that you have not decided to take any risks. Life you said when you least expect it - opportunities will arise. Keep the…
Having a wish that has not yet come true does not mean it is impossible. As you are passionate about making this dream a reality - it is just a matter of time. When it is the…
Congratulations on your baby. It is understandable that Hive was not a priority. Now you have a plan and you have started its execution by writing this post. All the best wishes…
You have a dream and a plan. I hope you will make an attempt - the first step seems hard but you will notice that things becomes easier thereafter. All the best wishes.
Sometimes people do things due to necessity or indeed because of fear. However as you pointed out - you will one day go to where your heart takes you. The right time and…
Sometimes setbacks occur but they should not be seen as deterrents but lessons. Now you are devising a better plan to place you in the right environment for a successful…
Most children have great fantasies. Some of the these fantasies become a reality and some do not. The great thing about becoming an adult is that grown-ups have better control…