MuTerra used to be known as Earth. The inner radiation of the planet mutated every living thing on it and resulted in a population boom, not of humans but of plants and animals. MuTerra is a TCG+CCG+RPG style game where you as tamers are tasked with capturing and training the mutated animals in order to save humanity from extinction.
866.3819728 BEE
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0.06091383 BEE
Serfdom & Sorcery master account
Embark on a thrilling adventure in the immersive world of Serfdom & Sorcery, a medieval fantasy role-playing game on Discord! As a brave hero in a land filled with danger, mystery, and intrigue, you'll forge your path through a vast and dynamic realm, battling monstrous creatures and growing in power and prestige.
0.81632436 BEE
Vote Value
0.00005739 BEE