World, meet the Wordlers; Wordlers, meet the World

Hi. I’m Greg. I’m an author of science fiction and mythic fantasy. I’ve been traditionally published and served for over a decade as an Assistant Regional Advisor for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Recently, I combined my passion for books with my passion for technology with my own Web3 publishing imprint and bookstore to help advance the culture and adoption of NFT books.

Among my current projects through Cryptoversal Books is a Medusa-themed novel I’m writing in collaboration with the Medusa Collection community. Community members requested a thriller that crosses Circe with The DaVinci Code, and the draft is already proving to be one hell of a ride.


I am also the founder of Mythoversal, a project dedicated to broadening representation in classical tales by amplifying historically marginalized identities and restoring traditions erased by centuries of gatekeeping.

One Mythoversal project I’m expecially proud of is Becoming Hercules, a diverse coming-of-age serial that brings Greek mythology back to its multicultural roots.

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But the real reason I’m here is Wordle Quest.

Since February, I’ve been doing the Wordle, an online puzzle that presents a daily quest for five-letter words.

In June, I started using each day’s guesses to generate a character portrait, and each day’s answer as writing prompt to send that Wordler on their own quest for a five-letter word to save their village.

I’ve been releasing these portraits and stories on Cent Pages. At the time of this post, over 15,000 Wordle Quest literary NFTs are being held by collectors, with a new batch releasing every day.

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I’d love to make the Wordlers and their story world available to additional authors.

I considered several possible venues for collaboration, from Facebook to Discord to a traditional website, but a Web3-native project like this one requires a Web3 platform. Thankfully, my friends at PageDAO and Scholar & Scribe told me about Hive.

In the coming months, I look forward to learning the ropes on Hive, meeting like-minded authors, and collaborating on a groundbreaking Web3 project that’s quickly evolving into something spectacular.

Let me know what you think, be sure to grab your free Wordle Quest stories every day from, and look for project updates here on Hive.

It’s nice to meet you all.

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This is a one-time notice from SCHOOL OF MINNOWS, a free value added service on hive.
Getting started on hive can be super hard on these social platforms 😪 but luckily there is some communities that help support the little guy 😊, you might like school of minnows, we join forces with lots of other small accounts to help each other grow!
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Hello @mythoversal! This is @jcrodriguez from the @OCD team. Congratulations for making your presentation post to the community. 😊

It would be ideal if you also put your social networks. Hive users use twitter a lot. You can share this post there. I just sent you a message on twitter.

I also invite you to explore other communities that you might like in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program. There is a wide variety of topics. Check out all the communities. If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide. They are easy to understand and useful for learning how the platform ecosystem works.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.


Welcome to Hive @mythoversal. I love this!

First, I want to say congratulations on your successes. Secondly, I'd like to hear more about how your Web3 publishing endeavors are going. I'm working on an article for a well-known DAO that is about Web3 publishing and tokenized publishing initiatives and I'd love to hear more about your experiences with this type of publishing. Would you be interested in sharing? Maybe we can connect off-platform for a few minutes so I can ask you a few questions about your projects and how you're using tokens to execute new publishing models.


Thanks, @allentaylor! I’m happy to connect. Feel free to DM me on Twitter at my author account or through Cryptoversal Books. I’ve been following a lot of the projects in the literary NFT space and definitely have a few thoughts and some speculation about where we might be going.


Welcome to Hive @mythoversal! 😃 This sounds like a really awesome project and works you've got going on, have you ever tried marketing it thru short form posting too? 😉 Hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here, warm greetings from @dbuzz, cheers! 🍾
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝
