RE: Back again: my year in review


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It is nice to hear from you and I can imagine the situation is quite challenging. I am surprised that finding some work online is so hard with many work contracts not being location dependent anymore. Even something like some Dutch-speaking customer service role I would have thought to tide you over.

I hope things will pick up for you now to ease the stress.

Thinking of you and sending you best wishes!


Hi there! And thank you for the well wishes.
I've worked for one company for a month in customer service when they had low staff for a bit. I was stupid enough to tell them I was in Mexico, so they paid me 8 USD an hour, with the freelance website taking a big chunk of that, leaving me with a little more than 6 USD an hour.
When I copped on to that, I changed my location to Ireland and all of a sudden, my minimum pay was 12 euro an hour. That's a huge difference.
We're in one of the most expensive places in Mexico, so 6 USD an hour didn't even pay my rent.

If you check on any of the freelance websites, there are MANY places where they only offer 2, 4 or 6 USD an hour. The problem is (which was always the case for translation jobs in the past) is that there are students, or just normal people, who will take those jobs, basically ruining the market for the rest of us.
It's taking advantage of those people too really.

So yeah, I either didn't get anywhere with it, or they were scams, or not willing to pay at least minimum living wage.

Now, the video recordings I do is actually paying a reasonable wage. But it's only for a few projects a week so not enough to survive on.
That being said, I got a job now here, and it's looking hopeful so I am going to be working on getting ahead there (it's commission based, so needs a bit of work first).
Once my first commission for that comes in, most of my problems should be solved.


I hate these scammers trying to take advantage of people. We had that here when we first landed.. oh you can come and work for free...

Anyhow, good to hear things picking up, onwards, and upwards! Looking forward to seeing you crush these challenges.
