🔥💥[ESP-ENG] No regrets on the fire! 💥🔥



Sean bienvenidos una vez mas a mi blog, el día de hoy voy a hablar acerca de uno de los rulesets que mas me incomodan en una batalla, pues no soy un gran jugador del tipo Ranged y me suele incomodar bastante jugar con este elemento, aun asi hay que luchar cada batalla y dar lo mejor y esta batalla de hoy es la prueba de que siempre hay que ser lo mas competitivo posible, sin mas dilacion vamos a empezar.

Welcome once again to my blog, today I'm going to talk about one of the rulesets that bother me the most in a battle, because I'm not a great player of the Ranged type and I usually feel uncomfortable playing with this element, even so you have to fight every battle and give your best and this battle today is the proof that you always have to be as competitive as possible, without further ado let's get started.

Fire and Regret

El ruleset Fire and Regret provoca un efecto similar al que produce Torns pero con las cartas que tienen ataque a distancia, eso significa que las cartas con ataque a distancia reciben daño de retroceso cuando atacan a un enemigo. Esto se hace otorgando la habilidad Return Fire a todas las cartas en la batalla.

¿Cómo sacarle provecho a este ruleset?

Pues al igual que con Torns, la mejor manera de usar este ruleset es evitando el uso de cartas de ataque a distancia, pues asi te aseguras que tus cartas no van a recibir este daño extra en cada ataque, recuerda tambien que las cartas con la habilidad Reflection Shield tampoco reciben daño por el Return Fire, actualmente hay 3 cartas de ataque ranged en el juego que tienen esa habilidad.

The Fire and Regret ruleset causes a similar effect to the Torns ability but with those cards that have ranged attack type, that means that cards with ranged attack receive recoil damage when they attack an enemy on the battle. This is done by granting the Return Fire ability to all cards in the battle.

How to take advantage of this ruleset?

Well, as with Torns ability, the best way to use this ruleset is to avoid using ranged attack cards in your lineup, so you make sure that your cards will not receive this extra damage in each attack they do, also remember that cards with the Reflection Shield ability also do not receive damage from Return Fire, currently there are 3 ranged attack cards in the game that have this ability.

¿Cómo hacerle counter?

Como explique arriba, la forma mas correcta de hacer counter a este ruleset es evitando usar cartas que vayan a sufrir el daño de la habilidad.

El problema empieza cuando el resto de rulesets te limitan, aqui te traigo un ejemplo perfecto.

How to counter it?

As I explained above, the most correct way to counter this ruleset is to avoid using cards that will suffer the damage of the ability.

The problem starts when the rest of the rulesets limit you, here I bring you a perfect example.

Fire and Regret - Going the Distance - Heavy Hitters - 51 Mana

Round 1


El ruleset nos obligaba a usar cartas con ataque a distancia, así que tienes que lidiar con el Return Fire quieras o no. Decidí usar a Jacek como invocador porque sus habilidades van de la mano con este tipo de cartas.

  • Ash Molten Golem como tanque por su vida, aunque tiene poco ataque y es muy lento, puede atacar en primera posición y eso lo hace excelente para esta posición.

  • Mi estrategia era usar las cartas con Martyr para aumentar el ataque de mis cartas y jugar a Firecaller en segunda posición para que fueran objetivo del snipe, habilidad que es muy posible que aparezca en este ruleset.

  • Drybone Raider iba a servir de tanque y con su ataque Melee, en primera posicion no era problema para el ruleset, ademas tendria ataque aumentado.

  • Venari Marksrat cumpliria la misma funcion que Firecaller.

  • La idea era que Gobson Bomber golpeara con mucha fuerza gracias a su habilidad.

  • Pyrewatch Devil era la ultima defensa por si aparecia alguna carta con Sneak, hay pocas en estas circunstancias, pero las que hay son muy determinantes.

The ruleset forced us to use cards with ranged attack, so you have to deal with Return Fire whether you want to or not. I decided to use Jacek as a summoner because his abilities go hand in hand with this type of cards.

  • Ash Molten Golem as a tank because of his life, although he has little attack and is very slow, he can attack in first position and that makes him excellent for this position.

  • My strategy was to use the cards with Martyr to increase the attack of my cards and play Firecaller in second position to target the snipe, an ability that is very likely to appear in this ruleset.

  • Drybone Raider was going to serve as a tank and with its Melee attack, in first position was not a problem for the ruleset, besides it would have increased attack.

  • Venari Marksrat would fulfill the same function as Firecaller.

  • The idea was that Gobson Bomber would hit with a lot of power thanks to its ability.

  • Pyrewatch Devil was the last defense in case a card with Sneak appeared, there are few in these circumstances, but those that exist are very decisive.

Round 2


La armadura de Kelya fue determinante a pesar de que mi invocador le hacia counter, además mis cartas tenían un factor común entre ellas, y es que tenían muy poca vitalidad en general, mi estrategia era que apareciera alguna carta con Snipe y mi oponente no tenia ninguna, y eso me contrarresto toda mi estrategia.

Fue justamente eso lo que termino dejando fuera de combate a mi Molten Golem y poniendome en desventaja en la batalla.

Kelya's armor was decisive even though my summoner was countering her, besides my cards had a common factor between them, and that is that they had very little vitality in general, my strategy was that some card with Snipe appeared and my opponent had none, and that countered all my strategy.

It was just that what ended up leaving my Molten Golem out of combat and putting me at a disadvantage in the battle.

Round 3


La esperanza de mi equipo estaba basada en el daño que pudiera hacer mi Drybone Raider, mi oponente activo su Martyr y ya estaba totalmente sentenciado. Mi error fue haber basado toda mi estrategia en la dependencia del Snipe enemigo y eso me dejo casi sin posibilidades.

My team's hope was totally based on the damage that my Drybone Raider could do on the first position, my opponent activated his Martyr and I was totally doomed. My mistake was to have based all my strategy on the dependence of the enemy Snipe and that left me almost without possibilities.

Round 4


Mi Gobson Bomber pudo haber terminar la batalla pero lamentablemente no pudo atacar y ahi fue donde la batalla termino, pues mis cartas ya no tenian la posibilidad de atacar. El error estuvo ahi, en basar mi estrategia en mi oponente y no en mis cartas, ese es el riesgo que se corre cuando algunas caracteristicas de tu estrategia dependen de posibilidades y no de algo seguro.

My Gobson Bomber was going to finish the battle but unfortunately he couldn't attack and that's where the battle ended, because my cards no longer had the possibility to attack. The mistake was there, in basing my strategy on my opponent and not on my cards, that's the risk you run when some features of your strategy depend on possibilities and not on something sure.



Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

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@mvl2304, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!
