Ending a war is more difficult than starting it


History has taught us that ending wars is much more difficult than starting them. This is absolutely true of Russia's current war against Ukraine. After more than two months of stalemate fighting, the belligerents are regrouping forces to launch major Russian offensives in the Donbass region. The fighting there is expected to be intense, protracted, and costly for both sides.

Russia continues to bomb the city of Mariupol, more than 90% of which has been destroyed, and has occasionally bombarded Kyiv with bombs in an attempt to distract the Ukrainian government from attacks in the south and east. At the very least, Russia's war aims seem to include a land bridge to Crimea and the "liberation" of Lugansk and Donetsk from complete Ukrainian control. Ukraine, in turn, seeks to maintain its system of government and control over its territory, including in which it is inhabited by a majority of Russian speakers.

The Pentagon has declared that it is "impossible" to know how long the war in Ukraine will last if it is not ended through diplomacy, but the Pentagon has said that Ukraine "of course" can win the war.

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"The reality is that Russian President Vladimir Putin will focus on progress in a smaller geographic area of ​​Ukraine with the potential for continued violence," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

Kirby reiterated that "Ukraine can certainly win the war, as evidenced by Putin's inability to achieve his strategic goals."

"Putin has not yet taken Mariupol, moved his forces from Kyiv and Chernihiv, and has not taken Kharkiv or Mykolaiv in the south, so I think the evidence that Putin has not achieved his goals appears literally in the results you see every day," he said.

In a related context, a US Defense Department official said that his country sent 100 unmanned aircraft called "Kamikaze" to the Ukrainian army.

"We are in discussions with the Ukrainians about future uses of drones, and of course we will keep that option open going forward," said John Kirby.

The kamikaze planes carry warheads that explode on impact and the smallest of these planes can hit a target 6 miles away, according to the plane manufacturer.

Kirby said the United States trained "a very small number of Ukrainian soldiers who were already in the United States in the use of drones before they returned home to train others," and added, "An individual can be adequately trained in how to use a drone in about two days." .

The Russian Kremlin made it clear that the Russian military operation in Ukraine will end soon due to Russia’s incurring great losses, indicating that the statement came via the British “Sky News” channel on the lips of the Kremlin’s official spokesman, pointing out that the Ukrainians retracted the conditions they demanded at the Istanbul meeting, stressing. That a rupture occurred in the world order after the expulsion of one of the five permanent members of the State Council, which is Russia.

If a war breaks out and the ruler cannot end it, he will pay the price for this from his own political side, stressing that every hour the position of European countries changes due to the difficult situation in Ukraine, noting that the United States and Britain have fixed positions and want to attract Europe to the same opinion of their own.

Victory from Russia's point of view

We expected the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war at the beginning of next May, coinciding with the Victory Day celebrations in Russia, stressing that victory from Russia's point of view is the acquisition of the Donbass region.

However, the statements of the Kremlin's official spokesman that the Russian military operation in Ukraine will end soon is an important expectation, and this is not considered a defeat of Russia's prestige because Russia does not deal with Ukraine as a war, but rather as operations that it should have done.

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