What is a commitment without good pay?


When I do something I love, then I do it with all my heart because, honestly, I love to do it. But then, no matter how much you love to do things in life, when money is not involved, you will be too weak to do them.

Here is my story about the projects I backed out on. When I was in school, I meant the university. I was so committed to sports that you don't even need to pay me before I teach you. My commitment and my hard work make the school want to give me the position of sport director, as I have so many opportunities, and I also teach both staff and non-staff physical fitness every Wednesday. Well, Wednesday happens to be our general sports day. I'm not getting any payments, but the fact is that I'm in school and I'm doing what I should do. Although I've gained so much fame back in school, everyone likes what I do, and then they extend it to people outside the school. Well, it wasn't just physical fitness I do; I also teach martial arts.


Everyone wants me to teach their children martial arts; some say two days a week, some say three days, and so on. Well, I do not have any problem teaching people on Wednesdays because I have dedicated that to a free day.

I've got my own business that I do, and these people want me to start teaching their children martial arts so they can protect themselves to some extent. Well, I agreed, and we concluded on price even though I'm not too satisfied with it, but the fact is that I love to teach the children. As time passes, one month, two, three... Some children didn't even pay, and some paid, but the children that don't pay are more than those that are paying. I don't want to complain, but we are already in the fifth month and there is no salary. Meanwhile, I do leave my own business to teach them at least three times in a week, apart from Wednesday, making it four times.


Now here is the problem: there is a championship competition coming up that will require me to teach their children every day, because when there's a competition, we need to increase the number of days during which we are training. So I needed to meet their parents and tell them about this competition, and they accepted, so I told them that this competition will require 90% of my time, which means I will need to close my shop for now. But, thanks to goodness, I still have someone who will look at the shop for me. In this case, I will want an increase in salary, and even if there is no increase in salary, my money should always be up-to-date because I need to eat.

And we all know the frustration when you are trying to teach children. I just have to be patient and make sure they get what I'm trying to tell them. In fact, some children might be playing around when I'm teaching them.

I explained everything to their parents, and they agreed to pay my money up to date. But unfortunately, they still didn't pay my money after months ended. At this point, I do not have the zeal to teach anyone again because I'm hungry and I need money.

Days after days, in fact, I need to stop going at some point, but because of the competitions, I just have to manage, but my commitment drops from 100% to 20%. I did that until they went for their competition, and only two people won. The rest of them did not win. I came back home and did not even go back to the place to teach them. Not until now are they begging me to come back, and I'm not even ready to go back, and they don't know when I will be ready, even if I do.

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It's just natural, we are humans and once we are not getting such motivation, the zeal naturally die down


I mentioned in my post that being uncommitted happens naturally, we just find ourselves in that state.

Money is a driving force bro and sometimes it takes away our commitment because we need it to do quite a lot of things.


Work is something that must be made worthwhile and even more so if it consumes a large hourly load of your time. If you enjoy it much better, because you can find passion in it. However, one must support oneself and the salary is something that allows it.


Some parents can be something at times. There’s nothing free on this earth, if you want your child to learn martial art you need pay for it. Or do they think you learnt it for free.

Next time, you should make it payment on enrollment.


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