Spending quality time with my brother on his birthday


I have said it countless times that no matter who you meet in your life, they will probably be a blessing or a lesson. We just don't meet people by accident; we meet them for a reason in life.
People who are always there for you need to be appreciated. You know, no matter how independent one can be, you will still need people, which means we can't have it all.

A couple of months ago, when I met my brother from another mother, it was a blessing. A moderate guy looking so charming; he's not just charming but also got a beautiful eye. Just like yesterday, when we met, we refused to understand each other because, obviously, we were just meeting. But time passes, and since we are staying together, we just have to find a way to understand one another.



I know I've been so mean to you because I know how stubborn I can be, especially when I'm singing those rubbish songs for you. It's quite funny how you tolerate my stupid dance every day, even though I can't dance at all. But then, what are friends for? Is it not to tolerate one another? Is it not to be there for one another even when no one believes in you?



How can I forget how you used to call me junky anytime I started my crazy dance moves? I get really happy anytime I'm frustrating you, and even when you want to get angry, you will just let go of it.
Sorry, I did all that to you, but guess what? I'm just starting with you, brother.
Today happens to be one of the most beautiful days you will celebrate in your life, which is your birthday. Birthdays only come once every 365 days, and believe me, it's good to celebrate them and to remember the day you came to this earth. And since it's just a day, why don't you give it all?

Happy birthday to you, brother. Long life and prosperity in good health and wealth I'm so happy I celebrated this birthday with you, even though I sang my silly song for you again. Well, I won't forget the fact that you said I can't sell in the music industry if I ever try to sing in my life.



Since you are a year older today, I wish you everything good in this life. I celebrate you today, so make sure you live long and enjoy all my silly drama for the time we will be together.

All the pictures used in this post were taken with my phone.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 171 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!
