It is never too late to join the Zealy campain outrech.


For the past few weeks now, there has been an on-going campaign outreach movement that talks about bringing people to Hive. This campaign focuses on bringing people from Web 2 to Hive. I believe we all need to focus on how to bring more people to Hive so that they will see the benefits of what we are talking about.

This project will be so helpful for both the people we want to bring to Hive and even those of us who are already in Hive. There is also a price pool of 1500 HBD, which is to be shared among 1–30 people. That is not all; there are delegations of Leo and Hive power. So how do you win or be part of these 1–30 people that will be given HBD? It's simple: there are quests that we do every day, and there are quests that come up with a reminder that we just need to complete these quests and gain some points called XP. This XP is what will make us grow and be active on the board. You will be among the lucky winners if you can gain up to 2000 XP, which is easier to get. There are so many people that have already gotten there, and if you start now, you can also be among the lucky ones. Also, these campaign outreach activities will continue until December. This is an opportunity for everyone to join now because it is never too late. It's better to try than not to do it at all. So join HERE


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We all know that Hive is a big platform with so many benefits. I personally have had a beautiful experience with the beauty of Hive. I believe everyone should taste what is good and see why we are talking about it. To do this, we all need to join the Zealy campaign outreach so we can tell our friends the importance of Hive. I believe there are more people out there who don't even know that Hive exists. I never knew of its existence until my mentor told me about it.
One of the things that makes me respect my mentor to date is that he shows me the way to Hive. Sometimes all you need to do is show people the way and not give them money. Believe me, if you give them money, they will spend it, finish it, and even forget about it, but if you show them a way that will benefit them for life, they will always appreciate it.
People value what they can remember forever. Checking the world now In general, not everyone has the opportunity to get good information. The best way we can help people is to give them information that will help them grow in life.

I do say it times without number that I never believe Hive will be this good until I get there; all I'm doing is trying my best in it, and now it has become my home because I've met a whole lot of people there.
I believe there are still more people on Web 2 who need to know about Hive Blokchain.
Let us do our best for the people out there and show them what we have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


You are making a very clear point on the fact that most people out there do not even know of the existence of Hive. For this reason we will have to make it our aim to bring more people on board.


You get my point, we need to show the world the existence of Hive. Thanks for stopping by brother.
