Fight when you need to.


I was sitting alone in my shop when a friend of mine visited for the very first time. I was happy because I couldn't believe you could ever come to visit.
We were both in my shop together, and when it's time for evening periods, a pregnant woman walks in and tells me she wants to withdraw. I said okay.

I collected her card to help her withdraw the money since she wanted to use it. I inserted her ATM card at my point of sale (POS), but unfortunately, the transaction was not successful. It was declined. But she was debited.

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At this point, I respectfully tell the pregnant woman that her card isn't working and she needs to either wait so they can refund her the money or, better yet, visit her bank. To sort out the issues.
She refuses and says that since her money has been debited, that means she must be given money by me. I went ahead to explain to her and also printed the slip for her, where they clearly wrote declined and not successful. I did that so they could understand. But all the same, she does not understand anything.

After which I explained to her, she refused to listen and started shouting that she needed to collect her money. At this point, she called her husband to come to the shop and witness what was going on by himself.

The husband came, and I was glad because all I thought was that she would understand me better. I tried to explain to him in a polite manner, but the husband just won't listen. So I told the two of them that there's nothing we can do since they refused to listen to me.

After so much dragging, the husband and wife became so angry that they wanted to start dragging with me and shouting so everyone could hear us. At this point, my friend was pissed off and just gave us a perfect solution.

She said I should give them half, and I should also take half to make things better, and if everything is solved eventually, we will know how to handle it.
Both the wife and the husband disagree with what my friend said. And they tell her that she should shut up. She was pissed because she was trying to help them. As a lady, she also raised her voice back to her.

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Before you knew it, the pregnant woman and her husband burst into my shop and beat my friend. The husband was even holding my friend back from fighting back.
The husband came outside and gave me a dirty slap. Even though I dodged that.
At some point, you will ask, Why shouldn't I fight back? Well, I'm trying to be careful. And not to get someone killed. There's a pregnant woman and a drunk man. If I lay my hands on them, especially the husband, he might not live to tell today. And as a martial artist, I better remain calm in my best position.

After which they had down with their troubles, my friend happens to be a fair lady, and she was already bleeding.
To teach them a good lesson. I got them arrested by a police officer because not only did they beat us, but they also spoiled something inside the shop and collected the money forcefully.

I got them arrested that same night, and the rest was history. They couldn't hold on to the woman because she was pregnant, but the man was detailed. And believe me, I filed a proper case for them.

I sued them. And we are about to charge them in court. For harassment, it is life-threatening. Abuse and some other things.
My lawyer was able to convince them, so they couldn't go to court; they couldn't even afford to get a lawyer.
I refused to release the husband until they paid for all that had been damaged in my shop. I taught them a good lesson, and I'm happy with it.

The woman later apologized. And the husband came to apologize. We settled it, after which I had finished collecting everything that was lost in my shop.
Since that day, they dare not be near me or my place to do what they don't want to do.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow, what an intense situation you were in. It's surprising how you remained calm.


Many times in these situations it is difficult to remain calm and have self-control, because they are really stressful situations.
I'm glad everything got sorted out. I enjoyed your sharing.
