Why I don't recommend crypto investment to people but Hive is an exception and a less risky way to enter the crypto space...


Hello Hive



In the crypto space, investors have lost money and blamed it directly on those who recommended crypto to them.
It is a normal behavior among humans.
When you recommend a particular business to them and they make some profit from it, you get some accolades but reverse is the case when they encounter losses.
Even after issuing out warning to them to not invest what they cannot afford to loss and all the effort one puts in to help them make their first gains, you gets backlash if they encounter loss.
People have lost friends
Others have lost their jobs as an after effect of their boss relieving them off duty because they recommended crypto investment to them..


Have you ever thought about a less risky way to enter or join the crypto space
Hive blockchain is one of the answers.

Hive is a Social media blockchain where you get rewarded in crypto token (Hive, Leo, and others) for living your best lives and creating interesting contents to the community at large..

I can count a large number of hivers who joined the community with practically zero amount in investment and most likely paid nothing or less than a dollar to come onboard.
And now they have a large percentage of output stored in Hive power and have earned and sold a large amount of hive token converting them to personally finances for them in fiats
Personally I am one of those people who joined the crypto space with nothing, now I have some HP, HBD and can even convert to any other crypto token from any different blockchain that attracts me.


This is what I do while recommending Hive and inviting people to join the blockchain...


Give out a caution and stern warning that Hive is not a get rich platform.
Comparing this with twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I enlighten these newbies about the difference between the web2 social media app and Hive.
Since hive is on the brighter side,they can get rewarded if they are good content creators, willing to teach the communities some new and interesting procedure and many other things.

If you get rewarded, appreciate it
And if not,it is just another way to enjoy this social app just like how twitter does not pay you for using it app...

  • Upvotes are privilege and not entitlements no one should see this as an entitlement

Willingness to invest their time and IQ.
Been a Social media app, they can get visibility for themselves and the hive community, investing their time and intelligence to give out top notch contents here.
Time investment include the hours and sacrifice one makes to interact with the thousand of users on hive, get familiar and make more friends as engagement is one of they keys to becoming successful in the crypto space.

Since friends do not necessarily pay huge amounts to invest or join Hive, it is one of the most none risky way to join the crypto space at large.
With this I have successful onboarded a lot of persons who have found a haven here, interacting and earning crypto (Hive) in the most none risky way..

Some have stayed while others where burdened by the demands needed to make quality contents and all the hive rules and guided that must be followed example is the plagiarism rule ad hive totally frowns at that.
They were not made for this space, else they could have exercised and little patience and follow the process until they are able go blend in with everyone else...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thank you so so much @monica-ene

Being on hive is one of the best gifts I got in 2022 and from you.

Coming into the crypto space for most people is to get rich quick and I can confidently say that no individual I know that has stayed for a significant period had not got burnt. Meaning at some points, we lose money/funds that teach us to reconsider what brought us into the crypto space an if we are willing to keep trying or to study more on the basics of trading and investment on crypto.

Hive Blockchain is a beautiful platform that rewards talents and at some points, we just enjoy the platform. Like you said, we have no entitlement to upvotes.

Thank you for this beautiful piece


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 145 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Hi @monica-ene
What a great post. You've hit the nail on the head. I really appreciate all help in learning about Hive.
I, myself have had some crypto for a few years... Yes as an investment ( tiny amt ) and have seen it rise sharply as well as plunge into the abyss. I check on it a few times a week. Love getting that love watching it climb.
Take care, Blessings to you and all Hivers,


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Bringing people into cryptocurrency in a bear market is like creating a new enemy, when the price of the asset they invest in dip... You are the one top blame.... Hive also is not as easy as one thinks, not eneryone can handle been downvoted for no reason or earning peanuts daily after putting lots of effort in creating content


I totally understand regardless many have made progress on hive.
Hive is not meant for everyone, not everyone can make it out here, maybe I forget to include that.
Thank you for the contribution.


You couldn't have explained it better Monica! I'm one of the people who did not invest any money to join here and to this day I have achieved so many things that I cannot believe it. What is real is that I have invested and still invest a lot of time in my day here to build relationships and create content, but that is what took me far and it is appreciated...

I hope that many more people can benefit from the benefits of Hive in the same way that we do. Thanks for sharing this information ❤️!
