Physical Health Education was Fun but a Leg breaking Moment for me 😀

Hello Hive

We all have had most of our lives fun in elementary and high school, and we can attest to the fact that physical health education has been one of the reasons why. Colleges and universities do not give room for this kind of exercise unless we have time to join some departmental sports competitions, and for those who chose to continued in PE for a career, every other individual is on a serious business to study some course and forgets most of the track and field events we once enjoyed.

Going down this memory lane, I have enjoyed the series of blogs that have flooded the community with other people's experiences, and I am not exempted. There were times I was ostracized for health reasons, but that was in my elementary school days. But at the time, I was often made the judge of some field event and enjoyed watching everyone play.



Okay, here comes a funny part.

During our inter-house sports competitions, the parent-teacher associates are often involved in our activities. I will not want anyone from here to tell me that they know police Children School Ilorin because in one of their events we had a historic funny scene where the most overweight teacher in school and possibly in Ilorin at the time won everyone else in a short, distant run.

It was the most funny scene I have ever watched at a PE event. The said teacher is very fat (I mean thick in a formal way) and was allocated two sitting chairs to carry her weight. The normal teacher's chair cannot contain her. She is someone who usually boards and fills the entire back seat of a taxi for any ride. She is a sweet and kind teacher. (This is intended for body shaming I beg your pardon.

The fact that she was able to run and win the race with such weight left the entire school amazed.
We all laughed, cheered, and screamed while she ran to the finish line. This is one memory I will never forget.

The leg breaking moment.

Coming down to high school, I hid my health status and participated in some short runs, which I guess you know were a failure. I could barely compete with the rest, which was sad, but I didn't give up.

I played a bit of volleyball and table tennis. Tennis was so much fun, and even though I was an introvert, my closest friends would drag me to the table.

Then came the time when we started football competitions among the females.

Everyone was tired of watching men in pants play balls; they wanted something for fun, and seeing girls play in skirts will satisfy that desire. 🤓 In those days,there was a bit of restriction on allowing ladies to wear pants or/trousers in some homes our sport wears were equally skirts, my family was among those that equally forbade we the ladies from wearing pants and shorts)

My elder sister was on the same team as myself, been in the same class and we played against other teams in higher classes. Right there in the middle of a game, a senior hit me hard and I fell lying down helplessly.
Trying to get up was a challenge.
There and then the teachers were immediately involved, alongside my sister who joined hands to take me home.

I had a broken bone, which some herbal doctors were called to help fix.

That marked the end of any football competition between the girls in my school, but for that short moment we had fun, and the boys too laughed the more watching ignorant girls pass football around. I am guessing that you already know that boys are more accustomed to the rules of the game than girls. Hence while we the ladies, broke so many rules, hoping to just pass the ball and score some goals the boys laughed and judged our match

I guess I have to pen down here if this is not already boring for you🤗🤓😀
A blessed new day from Monica.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


My dear, I can't forget those days with many injuries sustained during PE activities. All the same, such experience can never be forgotten but only to prepare us ahead of health challenges in the future.


That's totally true.
At least now adulthood is cheating on us, we hardly find time to exercise our bodies.


I'm glad you had fun while you could our amiable Judge. It's always exciting to see fat people participate and even win


😂😂😂😀... Thanks for dropping by amiable commenter 😂


This was indeed a funny story, also about the incident it was really tragic but at least the experience was priceless, memories like this are well worth even if there's scars.


Exactly, I was happy and smiling writing this


My love for this subject is not here more especially the physical aspect i will have injury i will partake in the exercise I am happy you enjoy every bit of the phe
