Are your crypto 's safe in your mobile gadgets?.



Haven't we all desired to make more money and keep them as safe as possible?.
Then how come is all your crypto in a simple and accessible thing such as your mobile phone?.

We all do this thing until one day someone becomes a victim of theft.
I have seen someone who had a stolen mobile phone, the thief went ahead to access her hive profile using peakd and started sending insulting messages to us on hive.
The only advantage she had was that her keys were saved in a folder given a concealed name which made the culprit not to access her wallets.

Mobile gadgets that can be easily stolen are not safe for anyone to keep their crypto.
Yes you may have your hive blogs and probably a posting key to login with which you can take around with you anywhere but having your other keys and crypto on a mobile phone is not totally safe.

With the rising insecurity in my country.
Anyone can impersonate security agent and search our mobiles on the go.

While Traveling on our roads are now considered deadly, one may want to keep a cold wallets with your tokens before a journey.
If you come back safe, you will be lucky to come back to your finances but if accidentally your mobile device gets missing, it will be challenging to search for a seed phrase, active keys and a lot of other vital documents that may have gotten missing along side.

Is a PC a fair place to keep our crypto or where is the safest possible place to keep these tokens aside a cold wallet or mobile gadgets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 151 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Cant agree more to this! Though majority of stuff that I have are saved in my device I keep some important stuff in the cloud and just use some codes and keywords for me to retrieve it. I even have some passcodes in my excel spreadsheet saved as pdf if worst comes to worst haha.
