My Views on Marriage

Marriage is not a child's play, it's a union between mature minds who had made up their mind to do their best in other to live together as one in holy matrimony.


But nowadays, the reverse is the case for marriage, we see lot of immature people marrying themselves all because they might have graduated from school and doesn't have anything doing again or they felt everyone around them are getting married so they need to urgently find a spouse and settle down. They don't have the understanding that "wedding is merely a day ceremony while marriage is forever".

As a single lady, I've come across different marriages. I've seen those who are enjoying the best of their lives with their spouses and those who rushed into marriage and are trapped in it without way of escape, who are enduring their union and praying secretly to be single again.

I'm a lady that believes in marriage, it's an institution created by God Almighty for companionship and procreation and I wish to get married. Even the Bible says two people are better off than one, for they help each other succeed. Then I come to the conclusion that, taking your time to marry the right person who you love unconditionally pays a lot so as for you to have a blissful union.

Having related with many married couples I've realized that there are lot of things attached to Marriage that makes it work than only Love:

Red Flags

I termed red flags as flash of signals of character which shows how a spouse might be. Never be blinded by love, gifts or anything to ignore red flags during courtship. A man that has negative attitudes, smokes, womanises, drinks to stupor, spend lavishly or doesn't care about his partner's well being during courtship will never change when he gets married. But lot of people are blinded with this saying "the devil you know is more better than the angel you don't know", they have forgotten that physical or mental damage might be the end of an abusive marriage if not death.

Respect and Support

Every man wants respect and support from their wife. Once a woman neither respect nor support her husband then problem starts. A woman ought to give reference to her husband because he is the head of the home. Through her submission, love will radiate in her home and peace will reign. Also not running the home based on individual decisions but agreeing on what to do to keep the home flourishing also strengthens the union.


Any home that lacks patience will never stand the test of time, because without patience a home can never exist. I've learnt never to make conclusion on anything without the consent of my spouse. I've seen lot of situations whereby impatience had led lot of married couples in harming themselves for no reason. So patience is a very vital virtue in having an enjoyable marriage.

Tolerance and Forgiveness

Couples needs to have it at the back of their minds that they are from different backgrounds where things are done in different ways. So one have to correct and tolerate each other's excesses with love and when there are issues between them, they ought to settle it amicably. Forgiving each other is very essential in marriage, because both individuals aren't perfect. So never turn any issue to violence because it ruins a happy home.

I believe with these and more, a happy marriage can be achieved as long as the partners loves themselves unconditionally and are ready to put their best in their union.

Thanks for reading


Nice one dear, to me I will say marriage is not all about mature mind...people with mature minds too make mistakes I learnt that too in marriage. I have seen immature mind living better than the matured me is all about understanding, value,love and respect. Nice blog👍👍👍


You've listed some great point that could help Marriages, but like you said we should be mindful of red flags.
How about those who pretend throughout courtship duration only to change after marriage.


That's the worst part of it boss. Cause pretence do happen too, it only the divine that can help we singles o because the heart of human is full of evil. Thanks for visiting sir


Hmmmm young adults who doesn't no anything about marriage but want to get into it because of love. Will be making the biggest mistake of their life


Yes that's why we have lot of divorce here and there in the society today. People prepare for wedding and not Marriage. Thanks for reading through, I do appreciate


Hmmm to your own understanding what then is the difference between marriage and wedding?


Maturity for marriage is not all about achievements, age, class and so on, it is based on how matured your mind is. There many old people who are foolish and young people who are wise. There are some couples who are very matured in age yet act like children to little challenges.

I think what one must first consider before getting married, is if he or she is really prepared to face the consequences that comes afterwards. Most people end up disappointed after getting married because they only consider the good side and forget about the bad side of it.

All those things you mentioned are perfect ingredients for a long lasting home, though it's really not easy to practice them.


Yes o, you've said it all. Marriage is not for the faint hearted at all. Thanks for visiting sir
