Helped think of the SPK Network and 3Speak. Co-Host of the @CTTPodcast - When was the last time you added value to the Blockchain?
0.00307835 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000027 BEE
HiveFest⁹ - Roman' Around
HiveFest⁹ returns to Europe 10 → 15 September 2024 - Split, Croatia
0.10971383 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000953 BEE
SPK Network
The SPK Network is a decentralized Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens in such a way that every user, creator, and platform, will be able to earn rewards on a level playing field.
0.00003036 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE
They Call Me Dan
This Is My Journey - My Content Is Not Financial Advice. Co-Founder @ThreeSpeak - Upvotes/Reblogs are not endorsements.
0.21396704 BEE
Vote Value
0.00001859 BEE