CineTV: Underrated Series - Ozark, Working Moms & Good Girls


I'm a bit late to the party, as the contest already ended.
I've been having issues with my internet connection half the day, and then the rest of the day I was not able to upload photos.
So if anyone has any ideas what this could be, I'd appreciate any tips. I had to use a different computer in the end to get it done.
Anyway, I had already written the post, so it'd be a shame not to publish it, although I understand that I'm too late to participate in the contest. No problem!

Being in Mexico, of course, we have a completely different kind of life than when we were still living in Ireland.
Here, we hardly ever watch TV because life is lived (more outdoors), and when I am spending time indoors, it's writing or doing something on the computer. And then more often than not, I'll be too tired to even start watching anything.

So now, instead of binge watching a series from beginning to end, like I used to do in Ireland, it can easily take me 3 months to get through 6 episodes.
But I am really trying to finish watching whatever it was that I started in Ireland. Even if it takes me years haha.

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Good Girls

I started and finished this in Ireland.
Usually, because the episodes were short enough, I'd watch the whole season in two days...

I loved that about Good Girls, because it's easy to watch. There's not much 'to keep up with' like with some other series.
The storyline is what it is, the characters are too, and it's not that if you blink, or go to the toilet, that you don't know where it's at anymore.

No: 'Who was that again?' or 'Where were they now?'. None of that.
The characters are very strainght forward.
We all know who the good ones are, who the bad ones are, and who is good but gets themselves into trouble time and time again.

No ifs, ands, or buts...

The cast is great, and I don't think they could have picked any better for each role they play.
The only ones I knew before I started watching the series were Mae Whitman who plays Annie, Reno Wilson, portraying Ruby's husband Stan, and the actor Matthew Lillard (Dean Boland) who most people will know from the very first Scream movie, and as Shaggy in Scoobie Doo.

All characters have their own talents, as well as their own demons to deal with, and this will come up throughout all 4 seasons.
There's the Good Girls who you have to love, even when they mess up, and the villain who you obviously have to hate but somehow don't.

It's an easy watch, with just enough suspense, a little drama, and a good bit of humor.
All without getting boring, or annoying. The perfect symbiosis of an entertainment creation.

Workin' Moms

By looking at the title, you'd think this is something only for bored housewives, mothers, or just for women. But looks deceive.

I have to admit that a little bit into episode 1 of Season 1, and even episode 2, I thought the same. Those episodes were definitely 'motherhood' tinted, with subjects like motherhood and career juggling, breastfeeding, pregnancy, and child raising, as well as how the characters work with their partners.

But then, once you're further into the series, it just becomes a hilarious and sometimes serious ensemble of several women trying to make things work in their own tough career worlds, while also trying to maintain a happy home.

Set in Canada, the main characters of the series are two best friends since college, and their 'mom friends' who they've met once they had their first, or second children.
The very first episode had me in stitches with loud laughter almost from the beginning.
The different situations they find themselves in is not only very funny, but also hits home and could be the story of many families.

I binge watched this series in one evening or maybe two every season, and am now looking forward to its final one.
The episodes are about 30 minutes long, and trust me when I tell you that you'd wish they were longer.

I didn't always agree with some of the parenting skills, and the information that was put in there. Like when one of the children becomes ill with measles, it quickly becomes a propaganda commercial for the vaccine industry. But if you see through this, and are willing to overlook these minor things, it is a delightful, easy to watch story that you'll want more of once it comes to an end.


Finally, we've come to my favorite of the three.
At first, I didn't know what to think about this crime filled series.

The very first episode is somewhat boring at first but then quickly turns into something completely different towards the end.
Once you get to know Marty (Jason Bateman), and his family, and later the people of the small town in the Ozarks where they end up, you will find that each character has their issues and flaws, and that it's hard not to love the storyline.

You'll see members of the family act in ways that makes you want to hate them, but all will be with good reason behind their actions, even though sometimes the choices they made were the wrong ones. Every time I thought I knew how things would end up, it turned out that I really didn't, which made this series one of the most exciting & nerve-racking I've watched after Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. And those are my all time favorites, so that should mean something! Be prepared to need a manicure after watching!

All three series are ADULTS only!

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Posted using CineTV


Ozark is so good! Haven't seen the latest season yet.


Thank you for sharing your list of to watch series. :)



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I haven't seen those girly ones, but saw a bit of Ozark, but not past the first few episodes yet. Might keep going now then.


Good girls, so good! And I just watched the last part of Ozark, too bad it's the final season :(

Defo agree with your picks, I think I haven't seen working moms yet but need to check it to be sure :)


I'm glad you went ahead and posted your series review post, I've been toying with the idea of watching Working Moms as the trailer amused me lol! And I have a friend who is obsessed with Ozark. But....I set my streaming services on vacation for the summer, which is rapidly approaching, as there is just too much outside work to do, probably won't watch any tv other than a random movie or so for about the next 4 months lol!

I am so sorry about your internet issues. Living out in the rural woods I too have more than my fair share of connectivity issues, but as you said, it's worth it due to the lifestyles that we get to live. Your Mexico existence sounds glorious, I adore the pace of life down there😊



My wife and I just finished up Ozark the other day. I enjoyed the show, but I feel like a lot of the episodes just took forever to get through. The pace was really slow. A bit slower than I probably would have liked. It was still a great show though.


Thanks for the reviews. I have seen Ozark and like it. I haven't had the chance to watch the newest season yet. Thanks for sharing.


Ozark is FANTASTIC. The last episode was perfect and I'd be interested to hear what you thought about it. Definitely one of the top series I've watched lately.


Interesting choices you have here.

I liked Good Girls but I never got to finish. I think I got tired because they kept going back to robbing 'one last time'. It was rinse and repeat and it stressed me a bit. I would go back to it though.

Ozark is also my favourite. Someone said it's the most interesting boring show ever and I agree. There's a lot of back and forth but it all keeps you glued. I finished it a few days ago and the ending was just okay.

I'm about to begin Working Moms. I think I would like it.


Yeah, the 'one more robbery' was a bit annoying but in the end it all makes sense.

Haha, yeah, Ozark can be a bit like that with all the back stories and in the case of Ben, I would have loved to have seen him in the series longer. He was an interesting character and could have made the series even more exciting. I mean, keeping Darlene alive would have been a challenge, let alone a person like Ben...
Plus I really liked him.

Working moms is very easy to watch, no long winding back stories, and easy to follow who's who. If I would have started watching it now, I probably would finish all seasons in less than a week.
