I'm a young individual with a passion for anime and reading books. Anime allows me to escape into a world of vibrant characters and captivating storylines, w...
0.00007514 BEE
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0.00000001 BEE
0.00176629 BEE
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0.00000015 BEE
Zak Ludick
Writer of Fantasy Fiction, philosophy and free advice. I am a Safety Officer with a handful of certifications in the Air-conditioning trade
0.7574431 BEE
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0.00006265 BEE
Sonia Okogbule, MD.
Sonia Menunwo Okogbule is a Medical Doctor and public health enthusiast who seeks to improve health care one story at a time, with particular interest in Women, Infant and Children's health.
2.05233836 BEE
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0.00016976 BEE