Having strong affirmity for knowledge and sharing it out as information to entertain and educate ourselves......Mindchapters
source Hello comrades, it is with great pleasure that I find myself in this wonderful community. It is so reassuring that we can't just depend…
source My love for bananas made me dug a little bit about its history and benefits. Some of you already had some idea about how banana came to…
Hello comrades, its a pleasure to be here again and this time I won't be discouraged that my favourite club Fc Liverpool has drawn again. Well I guess they chose to start the…
Rose has just had an afternoon siesta and was hungry but then she was too weak to cook. It was her responsibility for the sake of her child in her who was seven months old and…
Introducing oneself could sometimes be found difficult especially when you don't get honest but even being truthful sometimes makes it harder.....(you know what I mean). Not to…