What are you doing to save the soil


It must be clear that the soil is a living entity that fulfills the function of being the living layer that covers the earth. It is composed of a diversity of minerals, air and water. These minerals are composed of sand, clay and sediments that integrate chemical components; other elements that make it up are those that have life such as plants, bacteria, fungi, fauna and their respective residues.

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Soils, a fundamental entity of our environment

The soils are characterized by being fundamental deposits of biodiversity; It is estimated that approximately one quarter of all organisms and have their production in the soil. Within that production is the sowing of the various crops in fertile lands, the construction of houses and buildings and where we deposit our dead. Among the types of soil that our planet earth has are:

Sandy soils: characterized by its low organic matter and its inability to store water; therefore they are not very fertile. Humiferous soils: they are characterized by having black earth with abundant organic material, capable of retaining water, which makes them very fertile. Limestone soils: abundant in white saline minerals. Stony soils: They are made up of rocks of various types of great porosity and therefore do not have the capacity to retain water.

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There are various causes throughout the world that have caused severe damage to our soils, contaminating them at incredible levels; within them are:

Garbage waste and various residues that are thrown to the ground indiscriminately without taking the minimum precaution of at least using disposable bags that group the waste in one place. Industrial waste thrown in the fields without awareness of the damage they do to the soils causing irreparable damage to their fertility.

Other causes of pollution are found in vehicles that emit smoke such as automobiles and old cars, where the waste that emits these vapors causes severe damage to our earth's crust. And to complete this group of causes that damage our soils is the lack of maintenance of the street drainage systems, which, if not properly maintained, can cause flooding from the various sewers, causing damage to our land

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How can we save the Soil?

There are many ways to preserve our soils in order to achieve a better world, a cleaner planet, free of contamination. Here are my recommendations:

Do not burn garbage, since when it is burned it becomes toxic gases that affect the earth's crust.

Promote the planting of trees to increase the production of oxygen, since it guarantees a greater durability and conservation of the same. Always avoid deforestation, always bet on the life of our nature. Another recommendation that I can make is not to throw liquid waste in poor condition since said waste is quickly absorbed by the ground. Recycle solid waste when it is disposed of, as this will favor decomposition that does not cause damage to our soils.

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So now the question is , what are you personally doing to save the soil and your environment as a whole ??


Great article.

People who want to help improve the soil in their environs need to start by studying local soils.

Every ecosystem is different. What may be good for one area may be bad for another.

There is not a general rule that says "X is good" and "Y is bad."

For example, there are a few ecosystems where fire is good for ecosystem.

Another example is that many people buy earth worms on the Internet with the goal of improving their soil.

If the earthworms are not native to your local ecosystem, then the can wreak havoc by destroying local composters. It is better to discover the native composters before importing invasive species to compost the soil.

As for what I do: I mulch most of my yard waste. To start my mulch pile, I went out and found some rich soil by a remote mountain stream and used that instead of earthworms.

I burn some of the yard waste in my rocket stove and add the ashes back to the soil. A little ash from burnt yard waste usually helps the soil.

