People Know Me Because Of My Shoe

My dad had a favorite shoe he do wear during his time in the 90's and the shoe was really made with a good quality and up to date the shoe still maintained it quality despite the years my dad wore it. The shoe was brownish in colour and I really liked it and ask my dad to give me which he didn't hesitate in doing so to give.


My dad said the shoe is not my mate and I should give it respect whenever I wear it because it's my senior brother lol and it need to be maintained. My love for the shoe was extremely strong and this was because it suite any dress I wear hmm what a shoe.

I have really wondered how my dad maintained that shoe because it look still appear like a new one and the short time I wore it, there seems to be a difference in it look and odour😅. People do call me shoeman and the reason is that they only see me wear that shoe from morning till night and also from Monday till Sunday lol.

My mindset is that since the shoe have been with my dad for so long, it means it is made of high quality and nothing will happen to it. I remember a certain time when it was raining heavily and I was beaten by this rain, I still didn't bother to pull this shoe and that was when it beautiful fragrance start to smell 🤣.

People know me that whenever I attend an occasion I do dance a lot with that shoe hmm shoeman is at it again. I am not always shy and that is why I relate with people a lot.

However there seem to be a problem, I can't pull that shoe where there is crowd or whenever people is around me and the problem is that the odour can suffocate everyone and if one is not careful somebody might faint lol.

My shoe have chase people out of the church before and the reason why this happened was that when I was dancing, I decided to change my style of dance and that was how this shoe removed from my leg hmm even me can't breath🤣 what a shoe.

The shoe didn't last long with me because am not sure I used it up to six month and that was how we parted ways because it embarrassment is becoming to much for me to handle so I have to dump it.

I am sorry Dad because I didn't maintain the shoe so I have decided to package it back to you maybe someone else may like it🤣.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 161 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
