Tips on Land 1.5

One week into land 1.5 and there are plenty of mistakes I made along the way and things I should have done to perform better with land. In this quick post I discuss those mistakes and what I learned.

I’m going to start off by stating the obvious for those that may have skipped it but in Praetoria homepage there is a like “how to play” guide. I advice not to skip this and go through it as it’s a great summary to gameplay.


When you navigator through the guild there will be many links cross reference the “Secret of Praetoria - Phase 1.5”

This is a shortcut to all the basic stats you need to be aware of when playing land. From how to get boosts in worker production to how much rewards get distributed. This white paper is a must must read as it goes into the specifics of land 1.5.

Grain Grain Grain

It’s important to have sufficient grain as it’s the fuel required by your workers to collect their production. Each two grains produced will require one grain to collect. There will be ways to boost production with Runi, totem and or titles. In any case bottom line you need to spend grain in order to earn grain.

Example of my formation earning 510 grain per hour.

Also be aware if you have plots in different regions it costs 12.5% fee. For example if you have plots in different regions when you transfer grain you will incur the fee.


In game price of grain is one to one with DEC or DEC-B. Yet in player to player market there is much cheaper prices. In Splinterland’s official discord go to room “buy-sell” to find up to 90% discount on grain for DEC! Note always make sure who you are trading with as there can be scammers lurking for victims.

More DEC or SPS?

In recent days I have exceeded my staked DEC when applying workers to my plots. With that I am limited in production and will require more DEC in order use up all five workers per plot.

The main reason I lack the DEC to stake is because majority of my liquidity is in staked SPS. With the rising price of the latter it’s been difficult for me to be willing to sell SPS for DEC. I have decided to hold of as long as I can and hoping to earn enough DEC steadily to stake.


There are ways to limit DEC staked when used on workers. Alpha and legacy promo cards will require 5000 staked DEC per worker instead of the 10k.


There are a lot that can be covered about land 1.5 and I just touch tip of the iceberg. Here are items I wish I knew before hand.

Magical and occupied land plots are extension of the plots’ rarity. The big benefit with magic and occupied is that they earn more in research and more sps respectively. They are 100% boost in earnings. I basically made the mistake of using magic land for grain production. Since it took me a week to build and will take another week to switch building I have decided to keep it at grain for now. My mistake not me your mistake :(

There is a three day cool down once the card is used as worker. Whether you switch card to different plot or want to use it for battles you have to wait three days cool down. I took neutral monsters when I started building but found splinter monsters with extra boost and switched. Then incurred three day cool down on a lot of my neutral monsters.

Something I’m going to soon have to do is building on plots. To save on time I can have time crystals to accelerate the process. Use them before construction with workers will avoid me from having to spend grain to feed workers. Why pay more for the same thing?

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



It looks like there are various ways to improve land. I don't have any plots but it's nice to know about the process. I am glad that you are getting better at land.


Thanks and it may not be expensive for you to start land now. Even one plot gets you access to what maybe the best thing to have rolled out for the game since the games inception. !WINE


You've made a lot of specific points and it's all going to help us a lot in the upcoming gameplay and we're going to have to be smart at the moment and we know that things are going to go up in price in the future.
