Splinterlands Back To Back Zero Mana Combos

I have the fortunate opportunity to play with some of the legacy cards because I started way back way cards were selling for cents on the dollar. Although today card prices are near its lows its mostly newer cards at these prices. Meanwhile legacy cards are still offered at a premium and at minimum quantities.

Not to go too far off a tangent I would like to talk about a legacy card and newer card that I use often in low mana matches. At first glance it may seem silly to do but sometimes having that exact card to take a hit or be the hitter could mean winning the match.

Furious Chicken

Likely one of the most versatile cards in the game is none other than Furious Chicken. To this day I remember selling level 3 cards of it for pennies on the dollar, but if I had held it the card would have 100x my profits. At level 3 it has 1 melee attack and at level 5 it has the enrage ability.

The only rare card that is zero mana and even better it is a neutral card. The use of this card is endless as any splinter will fit.

Chaos Zero Mana

Then came the five zero mana legends from Chaos. These five were a lot more expensive from the get go since they are legendary but much easier to level up as it only takes 11 cards to max.

My focus here is on Torrent Fiend as it was one of my newest edition I can say it has it use. I do not have it max level like my Furious Chicken, but since I am playing mainly in rank battles the level 2 Torrent Fiend that I have has been quite useful.

Example Matches

As I mentioned earlier low mana matches the zero mana monsters are a great setup in formations. In the match snapshot screen you can see how I used Chicken and Fiend back to back to fill my formation of four monsters in all.

Out of the gate it may appear my opponent and me are on a even playing field as both of us have the same amount of monsters. Yet my focus was on protecting my Phantom of the Abyss while allowing it to attack the opponent with a full force in magic.

At 10 mana the monster is costly but filled it in with some zero mana monsters and add on top a Ooze to slow my opponent's speed and there you have it a swift but magical win!

At the end of round 1 it may appear my opponent had the upper hand. We traded monsters knockouts but my opponent had Pelacor Reciever as tanker which would be difficult for me to get through since it currently has a 8 health. Yet the rule set earthquake would wine up helping me.

At the end of round 2 it was mostly earthquake that took out either of our monsters but I held on to dear life as now it was the moment of truth where my life was held on by Phantom with only four health left.

With several breaks of misses by round 5 I had the match in hand as it came down to one on one. My Phantom versus their Carrion Shade. Of course I had the upper hand here as my monster had a magic attack of three while my opponent only one melee. Furthermore low on health now they were in great trouble.

Phantom's speed of 6 was definitely a help in creating the misses. Even if it had gotten attacked it would have been able to survive two turns making it a invaluable card to use in battle.

The zero mana monsters should not have been overlooked as I was able to have them in filler spots to block some attacks that could have been taken by Phantom making the whole match change sides. It did not because the zero mana monsters played a role in the formation.

If you want to watch the match here is the link:


One last discussion point to bring up. With now a total of 6 zero mana cards across the game I am wondering the potential for additionally having one in the dragon splinter. Of course dragon in itself is strong enough but just imagine if they indeed had a zero monster how many additional combos there could be in zero mana monsters? Imagine having three zero mana monsters in play at one battle! The dragon, then splinter of choice fiend, and top it off the Furious Chicken. That would be sweet!

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

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I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



It's just like that right now if we look inside the market, all the games like this are going through the same situation, the prices of things have just gone back to zero, so no worries, we've got a lot better. Now is the time to shop because their prices will surely go up in the near future and at that time one can buy the cards one wants.
