NATURE: Leaves are the most important part of a plant

You are aware that leaves are an absolute necessity for all plants. This is so because one of the most vital components or organs of plants is their leaves. Solar energy may be absorbed by leaves, and this energy is then utilized by the plant for photosynthesis. Thus, leaves play a major role in a plant's ability to survive.



Leaves are one part of plant that grows on twigs or stems and usually grow in strands to thick. Leaves themselves usually have a green color. Why are leaves often green? This is because the leaves contain chlorophyll. However, leaves on some plants are less green or not even green. Leaves that are less or not green are caused by lack of chlorophyll in leaves.

Not only that, leaves also function as a place of respiration for plants. Inside leaf there are organs called stomata. Stomata are respiratory organs in plants. So, it can be said that if a plant does not have leaves, then it is likely that it will not last long.

Main function of leaves in plants is site of photosynthesis, but did you know that leaves still have other functions besides photosynthesis? Here are some of functions of leaves that you need to consider.



To serve as a medium for food and water storage

Function of leaves other than photosynthesis, first is as a place to store water and food reserves. It is important for us to know function of these leaves so that plants can continue to survive.

In general, plants store their food in the roots, but in some plants food and water reserves are stored in leaves. One of plants whose leaves function as a place to store food is aloe vera. Therefore, when you open or peel aloe vera leaf, it will look like gelatinous flesh or jelly.

As a means of breathing

Where do plants breathe? Plants can breathe through leaves because inside leaves there are organs called stomata. Stomata on leaves can help plants breathe. Similarly, with humans, plants that can't breathe properly will slowly wither and don't even grow anymore.

Maybe there are many more functions of leaves that I don't know about, you can add them in the comments. I only give a few examples according to what I know, and hopefully can add to your insight. Thank you for reading to the end!
