Self-Sabotage |- QC Community Weekly Contest


Self sabotage is one thing so many of us face in our daily lives. That moment when you have planned the strategies to employ to achieve a particular thing and then when the time draws near you start drawing backward because there is this thing in you telling you, you can't do it, it will be a waste of time if you continue. This usually happens when we want to embark on something new we never tried before.

I have had my share of experience with self sabotage. It was January this year, I doubted myself and feared continue learning a course till the end would be a total waste of time. I allowed that tiny voice to confuse me, I allowed it to hold me like a hook when caught up with a fish.

It started with my downloading the videos to watch later to skipping the classes and finally to the extent the videos became too much I couldn't follow up. After I was unable to overcome that self sabotage, it extended to other aspects of my life.

I started perceiving failure in so many areas which held me down in everything I love doing. I saw myself giving up on so many things but thank God for my friend, who stood by me. He never judged me or said anything unpleasant to me.


He advised me not to give up on things I love doing. His encouragement gave me the strength to begin with where I stopped not minding the fears and doubts running through my mind.

After I began again, I saw myself being happy. It was then I realized that beating myself up, thinking alot won't aid anything, I realized that as humans we experience this but being compassionate with ourselves would help us to move forward.

If I were to give advice to someone struggling with self sabotage, it won't be different from what I was told. Such a person has to believe in herself, keep trying, don't let the fear overshadow your efforts, don't believe in what that tiny voice is saying to you, believe in what you verbally tell yourself. I remember then, when I see how backward I have gone, "I keep telling myself, "Mary Anne , this is not you, something is really wrong. I don't know myself to be like this."

Reassuring words like this are weapons that trigger one to rise again. Keep doing that thing you feel you can't do , don't think of the outcome until the end of the journey.


Self sabotage has a deep connection to low self-esteem. This is why the evil voice of failure is believed more than that of success.

It's your personal decision to be happy by taking steps that will lead to your happiness. You don't consider what anyone says because no one can definitely you. Keep doing the things you love and be happy.


In the time's we feel self sabotage, what might save us are people to talked to us and urge our minds to be bold no matter what we face.


That's a great advice fam, sometimes we overthink things to much and that makes us lose focus. And the only way we can get out of that state is to be kind with ourselves and give us time to get back on track.
