My Hive Goals for the Year


Setting goals on Hive is part and parcel of me. It has become a habit that I can't just blog for the sake of blogging. As users on Hive, we all set different goals; some aim for HBD increment, others focus on Hive tokens, some on HP, and there are many who focus on everything. It was just recently that I started shifting my attention to other earnings on Hive.

My goal this year on Hive is to attain 2000 Hive Power, owning at least 100 Hive for a start, and 300 HBD. It's not the figures for me; it's the motivation that goal gives me to keep working harder. I remember before I set these goals, my Hive Power was around 800 plus, and my HBD was around 50. From then until now, I can say I'm making progress towards attaining these goals and that's the motivation that keeps pushing me forward.

I once told a friend how my goal for the year is to get to 2,000 HP, and he reminded me it's not just a mere saying as accumulating it isn't easy. Challenges like that can be a drawback when I don't maintain consistency in my content creation, and I allow other life activities to take my attention off Hive.


While accumulating HP isn't easy, it is something that requires efforts. Sometimes, when I look my growth for days, I'm left feeling demotivated, but I understand it's normal to feel that way. But I never fail to keep engaging, knowing that every day can't remain the same.

If I reach my goal before the year ends, that doesn't give me a pat on the back to take a rest for a job well done. Smashing all my goals would be a motivation for me to set new ones. I will set new Hive goals and continue to contribute positively on Hive through engagements and constantly blogging.

How much would be enough for me? I can't easily provide an answer to that question because no amount is too much and none is enough. I just want to have something reasonable in my wallet in HBD, Hive, and HP. With that, I would be proud of myself and confident that I have a place where I'm financially secured.

We often hear goals are wishes until they are actualized. I know that sometimes some factors can hinder my attaining these goals, like inconsistency in blogging is one major factor, and I can't say such won't happen because days are not the same. But whatever the case may be, I wouldn't give in to whatever that would stand as a setback. I would always try, even in my busiest time, to make a post. With my hard work and a high level of optimism, I believe in achieving these goals no matter how difficult it may sound.

I would want read and hear from other users too what their Hive goals are. Here is the link to join the contest.


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency


You've got quite a fantastic goal here.

I wish you success towards your path of getting them bagged
