Stray Dogs and Cats in India: A Growing Concern and a Call to Action

Hello readers,

Since their existence, humans have been fighting against countless issues to build a better environment in which we would live and thrive, but most of the time, we only focus on the growth and prosperity of ourselves while ignoring many other aspects that need care, be it the environmental and pollution problems that we are facing or stray animal problem that we could solve bet not taking care of. Across the globe, the issue of homeless and stray pets is a growing concern and only recently we have started talking about it.

Pets, especially dogs and cats have been true companions of humans for thousands of years, but now that we have stopped hunting animals in the wild for food, got occupied with online activities and friends or have advanced security systems, we have forgotten the importance of them and become careless. We have forgotten the fact that we could give them a way better world to live just like what we did for ourselves. In this post, I am going to talk about the rising problem of stray or homeless pet animals and our exposed cruelty against them. So if you are interested, please continue reading.



Millions of Strays in India

The problem of stray and homeless pet animals is global and needs to be taken care of immediately. However, in today’s Post, I will be focusing more on my own country India where the problem is even more alarming but I hardly see any action taken. The "State of Pet Homelessness Project" by Mars Petcare, India has revealed that nearly one in every three pets worldwide are without a shelter or home, amounting to approximately 362 million stray animals globally. This global crisis has happened by several factors, including little to no pet ownership education, lack of access to spaying and neutering services and the abandonment of home pets due to financial constraints or lifestyle changes.

If you can imagine a world where millions of our furry friends roam around the streets without a proper place to stay and call it home. Well in India, this is an absolute reality and if you live in India, I know you will agree with this as well. A new report reveals that almost 70% of cats and dogs in my country are homeless and this fact highlights a critical issue that demands our attention and action as soon as possible.



The Scale of the Problem

The "State of Pet Homelessness Project" by Mars Petcare, India has published some alarming statistics in the past time which is a mirror of our current societal mentality. India alone is the home to over 60 million stray pets and contributing to 19% of the global homeless pet population alone. Additionally, 8.8 million more pets are confined to shelters and are waiting while suffering pain for a chance to get a loving place they can call home. This comprehensive study involved more than 2,500 animal welfare experts and organizations across 20 countries, who gathered and analyzed data from late 2022 to mid-2023. The findings of this project were eye-opening globally, as they have found that one in three pets is homeless, totaling approximately 362 million pets worldwide. India's stray pet population represents a significantly large chunk of this number and this alarming situation crying out for an urgent need for solutions.



The Human-Pet Connection

Some of you may be thinking why should we care? We already have so many problems in our personal life, right? Well, beyond the obvious ethical considerations, numerous studies have already shown that pets significantly enhance human well-being and it is scientifically proven. Nancy Gee, a renowned professor of psychiatry and director of the Center for Human-Animal Interaction at Virginia Commonwealth University has proved that interacting with our dogs for only five to twenty minutes can lower our stress hormone levels as proved by research. Not only that, this interaction also surprisingly boosts the oxytocin levels in dogs and helps them create a bond with us humans, indicating a mutual benefit.



Adopting Indies and Strays

One of the most effective ways to solve this issue is through the adoption of homeless and stray pets and giving them a loving home and care. The report that I discussed above found that 47% of respondents were considering adopting dogs, while 28% of them were open to adopting cats. Another fact that may Encourage you is that 13% of total pet owners reported that they had found their pets on the street. These incidents demonstrate that there is still hope and if we continue growing the awareness and willingness to provide homes for stray animals, we can solve it one day soon.

However, the report also revealed another trend that we should worry about, as 38% of dog owners and 57% of cat owners were thinking of giving up their pets due to various reasons. This fact clearly shows us the need for better education and resources for pet owners to ensure they are actually prepared for the responsibilities of pet ownership.



Education and Awareness

Education plays a crucial role in every aspect of life and here also, true edition is very important in addressing the problem of worldwide pet homelessness. As for example, wanna-be Pet owners should be informed and educated about the benefits of adopting local breeds, such as Indian street dogs (known as Indies) and cats. These animals are often seen adapted well to local conditions and thus can make loyal and loving pets that will stand beside you and love you till their death.

Not only that, to reduce pet abandonment we should focus on constantly raising awareness about the challenges and responsibilities of pet ownership which I believe can help reduce the total number of pets abandoned on the streets. By providing resources, making them more accessible and supporting pet owners can also limit or even eliminate the need for surrendering pets to shelters or leaving them carelessly on the streets.



A Call to Action

The alarming condition of stray cats and dogs in India is an issue that is pressed under by our own problems and requires collective awareness and action. I think that by promoting adoption, improving education and resources for pet owners and supporting animal welfare initiatives, we can make a significant difference and cure this problem. Pets bring joy, companionship and health benefits to our lives and no money can buy that for you.

So readers, I think it is time we actually do something and start giving them the homes and care they deserve. Each and every one of us can play a part in this mission, even if you do not want to keep a pet. Not only through adoption but via volunteering or simply spreading awareness, we can also help reduce the number of homeless pets and ensure that every animal has a chance at a happy, healthy life. Let us come together to turn the tide on pet homelessness on only in India but on a global level.

I hope you liked reading my post and if it has made you even a little motivated to do something about those who can not speak about their problem and depend on you, I will be very happy to hear that. Let me know if you are a Dog or Cat lover and also your thoughts about this topic in the comment section below.

That’s it for today readers and I will be seeing you all in my next post, until then.

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0.59795284 BEE

Great post, even if the numbers about abandoned/strayed cats and dogs always make me feel very sad... in my family pets have always been treated as they are part of our family and I can't even take into consideration the idea to leave them to someone else or, worse, alone on the street... I really wish that one day mankind will understand that you can't have a fair society if you do not take care of those who are more vulnerable and powerless... and that animals are among them.

0.00947265 BEE

we have the power to bring the change, we just need a caring mentality like you Wolf. I hope one day we will able to achieve it once we understand our responsibilities beyond our own interests. !pimp !lolz

0.00006796 BEE

You must be killin' it out here!
@mango-juice just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @arc7icwolf.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

0E-8 BEE

once we understand our responsibilities beyond our own interests

That should be mankind's motto! As the most developed form of life on this planet, we should use our gift to help everyone and everything thrive... instead a lot of humans only care about themselves and a few others at amost, as if the rest of humanity, animals and nature were only there to be exploited for their interests.

I sincerely hope that one day we will be able to understand the importance of preserving and defending this world as a whole.

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

This thing used to be rampant in my area too, homeless dogs roaming around and chasing people. It's just few that had their dogs under care. Currently, dogs are no longer allowed basically for lack of maintenance by the owners.

0E-8 BEE

that's an extreme measure but i guess it was necessary in your area. We also have this Dog chasing problem in our area. May poor dogs lost their lives chasing cars and also bite humans sometimes. Both can be avoided if we become a little more serious about them.

0E-8 BEE

It all boil down to people (owners) taking responsibilities. It's not just to own a pet, the must be looked out for

0E-8 BEE

responsability, it is a word that many humans don't know

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for the information.😊

0E-8 BEE

Hey mango juice, are u from India?

0E-8 BEE