Should you buy an Inleo Premium Subscription?

Hello everyone!

I hope all of you are having an amazing day with your loved ones and enjoying a great time with the vibrant community on #Inleo Threads. If you are reading this post, then most probably you are already a part of this exciting social media platform, which is currently one of the most popular web3 social media platform built on a truly decentralized blockchain. But if you are probably new to Hive or interested to know more about Inleo and its premium subscription, you have come to the right spot! Inleo, the most shouted project on the Hive blockchain right now is quickly gaining traction with over 5k active users, though they are being relatively new in the socialFi space. Thanks to the tremendous team working behind this project who have made an almost perfect social media while providing some crucial advantages that you will never get on any web2 social media.


So, just like many of you, I have also become a fan of Inleo since I found this gem and no doubt Inleo is my new favorite place now for online social hangouts. Apart from writing daily blogs, I also engage actively in the threads section, which is Inleo's version of micro-blogging platform similar to Twitter/X. Here, we can share thoughts, ideas, life updates, achievements, or jokes and even include images, YouTube embedded links, GIFs, charts and polls as well. We also have the option to use markdown styles to enhance the look of our threads to make them even more attractive (which you don't get on X)! 😎


What Sets Inleo Apart?

Inleo not only offers a unique experience compared to other web2 social media platforms but also provides many perks and advantages on top of it. The best 2 noticeable advantages over any other platforms are..

Censorship-Free Content - Inleo allows its users to do uncensored publishing. It is based on a true decentralized system, giving users the ultimate control and decision making power rather than any centralized authority.

Earning Crypto - Inleo is free to use and offers its users with the opportunity to earn crypto tokens for free, for their contributions on the platform. While the free version provides all the basics to engage on Inleo platform and a chance to earn crypto in the form of Leo, Hive and HBD tokens, there is also a premium subscription available on this platform.

Why I Choose Inleo Premium

The Inleo Premium subscription costs only 10 HBD per month and if any user buys the premium subscription, he gets a premium checkmark by his username. Apart from that, it also provides more reach, upvotes and exclusive features that enhance the user experience. There is also a yearly plan for 100 HBD which was launched just recently, offering a 16% discount.

Now, as a long-time Inleo user, I have been subscribing to the premium plan for the past five months consecutively. Each month, I find it more than worth the $10 investment. If you are active daily, writing posts and threads, voting and interacting with others, you will easily earn more than the subscription cost, while also enjoying the premium benefits.




My Experience with Inleo Premium

Recently, my fifth consecutive premium subscription to Inleo expired. So today, I immediately looked for funds to renew it and after performing some financial moves with my assets here and there, I successfully bought my sixth premium subscription. Now, I am thrilled to see my premium checkmark beside my username again.

I have been using the premium subscription for consecutively for 6th month now. Nowadays, without the premium membership, I feel less confident about Inleo, because the premium status not only gives my content more visibility and reach but also increases my chances of receiving significant votes from the @leo.voter account, provided I maintain the quality of my posts and interactions.


Benefits Beyond Earnings

The premium membership offers additional perks, such as

  • Changing properties of the user interface (like colors and themes etc)
  • Posting larger threads
  • Utilising all markdown styles

As you can clearly see, all these cool features make creating content and engaging with others more enjoyable and attractive. From my personal experience, I have seen that the financial rewards from premium membership often surpass the cost, especially with the frequent big votes from the platform’s generous management if you are contributing value to the platform through articles and threads.


I am glad to claim my premium membership again and will now proudly display my premium badge on the platform. It is a unique experience that only the premium members know and if you are also a member of this platform already and haven't tried the premium membership yet but are excited, then I would suggest trying it for once and feeling the difference.

I hope you liked reading my post. Ade you also a #premiumgang? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Join the Inleo platform for Free!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.40001640 BEE

i had bought it for 1 month, but i didn't renew.
got some more votes, but not as much, that its realy worth for me, i prefer to buy hive and powerup, so i can give higher votes to posting and comments.

Something like that, shouldn't be something i have to pay for:
Utilising all markdown styles

It should be for free for everyone, that would make posts better.

0E-8 BEE

I'm on a 3 months streak :) and I plan to keep renewing it!

0E-8 BEE

In my experience, Inleo Premium really enhances the user experience. The increased visibility is worth every penny

0E-8 BEE