How Inleo is making us financially educated and Independent

Hello readers,

Yes, it is the famous 15th date of June and if you are a user of the Inleo social media platform, you already know what I am talking about. First of all, I wish all of my fellow Leo users a delighted LPUD event and hope most of you have already participated in today’s glorious event and now allow me to join you all and become a little more powerful by joining this month long awaited event and power up my numbers.


LPUD event

For those, who may not have joined Inleo yet or did it just recently probably don't know about LPUD. So first of all, let me give an easy explanation to all of you. LPUD stands for Leo Power Up Day and it is a monthly event that is being celebrated on the 15th date of every month. On this date, almost every Inleo user powers up some Leo to celebrate the event and strengthen their Leo token stake. As a result, their Leo stake account gets bigger and they can give more value votes via curation and start earning more curation rewards, which will help them to grow even more as time passes, as over time this small increment in the Leo stake will create a snowball effect - and not to mention the more Leo power you hold, the more influence you build in the platform and get more organic traffic from other users.


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My Growth

Now if you ask me, I have been excited about the Inleo platform since the day I joined here and for a long time, I have been participating in almost all the LPUD events and staking more and more Leo over time and increasing my Power. Though I started small, the compound effect helped me a lot a I am so glad to reach where I am standing now. Today, just like many of you, I have also staked Leo, 150 Leo to be exact to enter the LOUD giveaway and after staking the amount, I am very glad to share that I have finally reached a total of 11,000 LEO POWER in my account. Personally, if you ask me, I think it is a big achievement because I am getting so close to my goal of holding 15k Leo Power in my account and I have already completed nearly 75% of my goal and hope I reach 15k by the end of this year!


Power of Social Media

Seriously speaking, social media has a tremendous amount of power and whenever rightfully applied, it leaves a permanent mark on people’s minds and is seen often to change their perspective or attitude. As a human being living in this digital revolution era, I am also experiencing the power of social media firsthand, which can even change a person’s thought process and long-built opinions and also can change them Completely, but it can be either good or bad ways depending on what you are getting feed. Being in good online social circles can teach you many new things and skills, you can learn about new things or can even see what actually is happening in today’s current world. On the other hand, bad social circles especially on online platforms often seen to promote hate speech, online bullying, fake news and unhealthy propaganda spreading, content or ID theft, scamming or hacking and even worse sometimes. So in today’s world, we should choose wisely about where we are spending our daily time and how it is affecting or changing our lives.


How Inleo is Changing Lives

One such example would be the LPUD which was started a while back by the team Leo as a monthly event where the participants were way less than that it is currently. But over time I literally became a fan of this platform because, in less than 2 years, they have upgraded this project so much and also expanded its universe by creating groundbreaking crypto projects like Leodex, Hivestats, LeoThreads, Cross-chain Swaps and many more things. Not to mention that over time, the price of Leo is also getting appreciated and rising. After spending a lot of time on this platform, I realized how it is changing my thoughts and mentality and building an informative, financially educated and investor mindset in me.

I read the quote ‘slow but steady wins the race’ but saw that happening in this platform where I am not only growing as a user while helping other users to grow via curation, but it is also making me financially independent slowly by educating me about everything about crypto, shares, Inflation, investment and building a great mindset in me. I also try to apply all this knowledge in my life and the result is very fruitful. Right now I am completely Loan Free and also save a decent part of my monthly earnings in different types of investments like stable coins (HBD savings), staking (mainly HIVE and LEO power and some other L2 tokens), Stocks and even in Banks, just to diversify my wealth across different sectors to maintain a healthy portfolio. I can say without a doubt that if I had not joined Inleo and been stuck here, I would not have learned all these and changed my financial habits or developed an investor mindset. So, thank you a million times Inleo for building this version of me.

I hope you liked reading my post and if you are also participating in Inleo, please let me know about your goals and thoughts in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.19692145 BEE

This is amazing to read. I also powered up 189 Leo recently and increased my stake to 6950, my goal just like you is reaching 10k LP. You are left with 4k LP to achieve 15k which you can try to before the end of the year.
Seriously, we need to be mindful of what we feed ourselves on social media especially being aware of how it steals our precious time when we could be doing something productive.

The Inleo team are doing amazingly well and have been working to make things great. I do not regret joining this community too as my mindset on financial independence has developed in this community. Staking Leo and being active here has helped me grow and keep learning too.

0E-8 BEE

Thanks and glad that you liked reading my post princess, let us hustle more and reach our goals sooner!

0E-8 BEE

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

0E-8 BEE

The Leo community could do much more and if I am honest I am disappointed with the information people share as they don't or very few do. There are only a few members in the community who share their investment information and that is what is severely lacking. This could be so much bigger and better and a go to for the crypto community.

0E-8 BEE

Congratulations @mango-juice! You received a personal badge! powered-up at least 150 LEO on Leo Power Up Day!
Thank you for participating in the Leo challenge.

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0E-8 BEE