Fernando Soder
Cientista da Computação formado pela UNISC. Gosto de feedback em minhas publicações, por isso peço que quem der "curtida" ou "thumbs-up" deixe uma mensagem, nem que seja uma única frase dizendo sua opinião. O mesmo vale para quem der flag.
0.00001378 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE
130.6718205 BEE
Vote Value
0.01065502 BEE
Aventuras em Série
We plan to talk about everything that is interesting or relevant for our perspective. We love to travel,
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE
Steve Trost, Ph.D., P.E.
Truth & Wisdom-Seeker; Promoter of Liberty & Freedom. Posts and comments are never financial advice. Upvotes are neither endorsements nor signals of any agreement with the content.
2.89475048 BEE
Vote Value
0.00023604 BEE
They Call Me Dan
This Is My Journey - My Content Is Not Financial Advice. Co-Founder @ThreeSpeak - Upvotes/Reblogs are not endorsements.
0.21396903 BEE
Vote Value
0.00001745 BEE
Who Are They Philippines
#WhoAreTheyPhilippines is a project which aims at sharing Hive cryptocurrency rewards with Filipinos. Every week a person within the Philippines is randomly selected. Our interviewer asks him/her some questions and takes a few pictures before writing a feature and posting it on the Hive PH Community. After 7 days, when the author reward can be claimed, the HBD payout amount along with some contributions from fellow Hivers are converted to the local currency (PHP). Our interviewer then makes his way back to this person and hands over the total amount to him/her.
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE