*Foto participante de la ronda POBphotocontest sobre arenas / Participant photo of the POBphotocontest round on…
Periodista. Miembro de @VenMundo; creadora del @DiaMundialDeLaArepa; autora de "Las 50 Mejores Recetas del Día Mundial De La Arepa". Entre Venezuela y Argent...
*Foto participante de la ronda POBphotocontest sobre arenas / Participant photo of the POBphotocontest round on…
* Participant photo of the POBphotocontest round on fruits /Foto participante de la ronda POBphotocontest sobre las…
There are a lot of cool photography contest on Hive. A lot of them are organised weekly. Some of them have the same or recurring themes where others have new…
What an overwhelming number of contestants we had this round. There were over 30 contestants that sent in photographs of their beloved pets. I'm really…