

Hello world and fellow Hiveians

Today we are going to discuss the results from last weekend's event and I am going to show you the rewards I got 1 week ago! We are going to discuss the new changes I did for my Light deck and the reason I had to update my previous deck! Also, we are going to see one battle of my grind from the Weekend event!

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Report from Weekend Event

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I'm more satisfied with my run this weekend and overall I think that my deck is getting more solid with the upgrades I made. To be honest, I'm feeling that the Light class has a huge potential right now! At the start, I played a couple of games with my old Nature deck because, at my last event, I played most of my games with my nature deck but this weekend I wanted to aim for a better score! I realize that my rank is not something so special but I will try this week to rank up!

Updated Light Deck

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Let's start from the basics I played 25 games totally with this deck and as you can see I had a 72% win rate, pretty decent but I will try to inform you again the next weekend when I have played more games! Let's see the new additions, the obvious one is from the thumbnail and my new legendary Asterius, Glittering One. I want to say that this card saved me many times or gave me an advantage so huge that I won the game! I totally recommend that card if you want to play a similar Light deck. The next addition was two copies of Protective Benediction, another very critical card for the deck and the reason is that can save you from many different situations!
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There were again some useful cards for my deck such as Shieldbearer, Holy enchanter, and maybe Pacifism. The only sure thing is that my collection expands and this is my main goal for now! I only opened 4 packs but bear in mind that I was sick a week ago and that was the reason that I couldn't focus much on my games!

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Watch the Action!

Now you can see one battle for my latest weekend grind and watch how my deck performed against a Deception deck! I am expecting your comments and your thoughts about the battle in the comment section! I hope you will enjoy it!

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Congrats on 17 wins man , your winrate has improved a lot. Keep it up!


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Thank you for bringing this high quality content to the THGaming community! Could you create an starter guide? Cheers! image.png


Hey, thanks for your support and your kind words! I will try to do that in the future! Thank for the feedback!
