Mindful Spending for a Better Version of Me


Every year, most of us have one or two things we don’t want to continue with or something we want to implement in our lives. I have some quite disadvantaging things I also want to work towards this year. Surely, it will be hard but I’ll try my best.

This is the second day of the year 2024 and it is still a great day to reflect on last year. If there is something I want for this year is to have a fulfilled year, a year to look back on and smile. But then, there are certain things I need to caution myself on.

Most of us have some things we spend on that are not so important to us, most times, those things barely add any value. Some of us are not so conscious about our expenses. For me, I have been trying to work on saving, so I won’t say I have some much unnecessary expenses.


Movie is one thing that I have come to get addicted to, I have always been a movie lover right from time but I do believe that as my responsibility increases, I should be less enthral with movies and the like but surprisingly I am still engrossed in it.

It is quite intriguing, how I use most of my leisure time to watch movies and anime, it is not so nice or productive to stick so much time to movies, because there is really nothing gained, just hours of entertainment. For this year, I really want to be mindful of this.

Although, I am not on Netflix subscription anymore, I can say it is an improvement, lol. but don’t hesitate to spend on downloading and watching movies or anime outside of Netflix. I obviously can do without movies but it will be quite hard because I have gotten used to it. In all sincerity, movies are therapeutic to me but also time-wasting and money-wasting.


I obviously can’t do without data subscriptions as it is important for most of the things I do on my phone, but I mostly use most of my data subscriptions on amine, movies, and of course other social media like YouTube and Instagram, but I believe I can manage without them, I will miss the fun though.

Also, junks. I am a big fan of snacks and junk and I don’t mind using any cash on me to buy them. There are a lot of times I buy some snacks and I’d wonder why I spent my cash on junk that I don’t even need and doesn’t really fill me up.

This is one thing I want to be cautious of this year, although it looks quite mini until you end up summing it up at the end of the week or month only to see that you have spent a lot on junk. I can do without eating so much junk, but then it might be quite hard but I guess I’ll try.

I want to become a better version of myself this year, I want to focus and spend more on important things rather than something with less value.

All images are mine



You cannot totally deprive yourself from seeing movies seeing that you are an addict. But you can try by reducing the number of movies you get to see in a week. That might work.
And cutting off junks isn't just beneficial to your purse but also your health. I wish you luck as you try.


Of course, I can't. I can only minimize the time spent on it.

I know right, heheh. Thank you


I spend on films too—very much, in fact. I have subscriptions on Netflix and Prime Video now. It's expensive, but I try to compensate with writing film reviews to earn the money to sub. But I can spend less and still earn the same. I'm working on doing better there as well.

As for junks, mine is mostly eating out. It gets all tiring as not many places have great foods.

Very nice photos as well, Lizzy. Thank you for participating.


Well, since you are the type that write movie reviews, it is quite considerable. I am just trying to get into movie reviews now.

I really don't eat out, definitely not my style. I'll rather cook.

Thank you


Even if you deprive yourself the fun of entertainment by not seeing movies, you'll still need data for other stuffs, like being here. Data is just necessary.


Yeah. Of course. But it will be reduce the cost. Movie take a lot actually.

I agree. I need data


I'm not a movie person, for the past month now I haven't seen any movie, so I can't say I understand you, but depriving yourself of something you love isn't the best way to go about it. You can start by reducing the amount of movies you see a month. Just take baby steps

I can relate with you because I love junk and I also waste my sub on Ig and YouTube music hahaha. It's better you Mind the amount of time you spend on these apps, rather than depriving yourself of it .


There is something you need to know, every human have a source of pleasure, something that helps calm the nerves. It seems watching of movies is yours. Though excessive watching of movies could result to lack of productivity due to time wastage. I'm a movie lover too but over the years as the number of activities I engage in increases my time spent on movies drastically reduced.

That was when I realised the best way to cope with excessive watching of movies is to engage myself in other form of activities that is pleasurable to me and at the same time productive.

For me it is hive, there are sometimes I even get some topic ideas just by watching movies. If you so much enjoy watching movies you could start writing movie reviews which will make time spent watching movies also productive.

Pop in from #dreemport


I don't want to be a joy killer but I'm not sure you'll win with the movies. Hehe! We movie lovers can only agree that we keep going back. Perhaps managing it would do. I wish you all the best.



Well done dear, you're on the right track for not having Netflix subscription again. But watching movies can be educative and like you said, it's therapeutic.

About junks, it's good you cut it to the barest minimum and eat more of healthy foods and fruits. Just trust the process.

Popped in from dreemport, being a #dreemerforlife


Lol, okay maybe back then I would have said it was impossible but because I tried it and it worked and helped me stay away from movies, you could try too but you shouldn't just cut yourself off, maybe you start with one movie per week or so because it's not going to be easy to cut yourself out.

Well, for the junk, I live alone, so I very well understand what you are saying because I am a very lazy cook and as such, I rarely cook in the house except when my friend is around I mean someone to motivate me to want to cook, except that I mostly do with junk.

I don't know how easy that is going to be but maybe you could start disciplining yourself to take them twice a week because you can not just abruptly stop and go to work with a lunch box, that is if you work and make sure to eat to your fill if before leaving the house.

I don't know, but you just have to check and know how to work on that.


For movies, I suggest that you watch one or two every few days to a week. Make it something special, an event.

For the snacks, carry something with you. Granola bars, homemade cookies, or homemade chips?

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
