0.00014259 BEE
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0.00000001 BEE
Dżemysław Namiodek
That annoying guy, who asks too many questions. HIVE ecosystem explorer, nature lover, traveler, interested in new economics, humanism, new technologies & science. Spiritual being having human experience.
0.5541546 BEE
Vote Value
0.00004085 BEE
Polish/English bloger. Writin' about manga, anime, tvshow, movie, news, games, witcher and everything I like.
0.00004127 BEE
Vote Value
0.00000000 BEE
Pizza Bot
Stake at least 20 Pizza tokens, then say !PIZZA in a comment to call for Pizza delivery up to 5 times daily. Come chat with us at https://discord.gg/hivepizza. The Pizza Guild is a social group focused on creating awesome tools and opportunities for gamers, artists, and content creators- Powered by HIVE and Web3.
1.10147123 BEE
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0.00008121 BEE
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0.00000000 BEE